Tax Authority

Kukuļņemšanā pieķertajam VID inspektoram piemēro ar cietumu nesaistītu drošības līdzekli

The former tax inspector Aigars Kupčus has not been adjusted with the security measure of imprisonment. It has been reported, that two tax inspectors Zigurds Brinķis and Aigars Kupčus had been to the meat shop of the farm and had requested a bribe using various hints. They had demanded a bribe from the co-owner of the farm "Dimzas" Lidija Sildare.
Corruption Problem: 

Kipécézte az ügyészség a korrupciót feltáró volt NAV-ost

The prosecutor's office's investigation on tax fraud concerning Bunge Zrt-an american cookin oil producer- seems to drift into oblivion. The authorities have only questioned 1 suspect since they had started their investigation in 2014. Meanwhile the procedure against the person- András Horváth former employee of the hungarian tax authorities- who broke out the scandal in the first place is still under scrutiny.
Corruption Problem: 

Protikorupční policie zajistila u obviněného v kauze Savova 640 miliónů korun

Anti-corruption police seized 640 million CZK in the bank account of one of the accused in the case of Octavian, which concerns tax evasion. In case Octavian is prosecuted 11 people, one of them is a businessman Frantisek Savov, who stays in London and resist his extradition to Czech Republic.
Corruption Problem: 

Část opozice chce prokazování původu majetku zpřísnit, pravice zamítnout

Part of the government opposition propose tightening the government's proposal for establishing proof of origin of the property. Financial authorities should be able to seek the origin of property until 25 years ago. The law in the form approved by the government gives financial officials chance to compare the amount of property tax return. If value of unlisted property xceeds seven million CZK, financial authorities prompts the taxpayer to prove the origin of the property.

Csalás miatt vizsgálják a román adóhatóság csalásellenes osztályvezetőjét

Head of anti-fraud department of the Fiscal Antifraud Directorate General Romeo Florin Nicolae is accused of influence-peddling and taking bribes. He allegedly asked and got 5000 EUR from an enterprise for lowering their taxes.

Frankreich: Finanz ermittelt gegen Familie Le Pen

French officials suspect right wing populist Jean-Marie Le Pen and his daughter, head of Front National (FN), Marie Le Pen of false declaration according their property. Marine Le Pen will object the accusations.
Corruption Problem: 

Steuervermeidung: EU-Registrierkasse f?r Konzerne

On Thursday EU-commissioner Pierre Moscovici presented a plan to prevent legal tax evasion of multinational companies. It is estimated annual 50 to 70 billion Euro of taxes are missed. Currently especially Google is questioned as it is confronted with accusation of tax fraud by Italy and Great Britain.

Vádat emeltek egy volt NAV-vezető ellen

A lawyer and a former leading officer of the National Tax and Customs Administration are accused with abuse of power and misuse of public positions.

57 rendőrt kirúgtak a nyelvvizsgabotrány miatt

57 policemen were fired and 10 excise officers of the National Tax and Customs Administration are on trial for allegations of bribery and peddling influence. They have produced fake language exam certifications and helped examinees to pass for bribe.

Amsterdam ruim 50 keer in Panama Papers

The Panama Papers reveal a total of 332 Dutch addresses, of which 52 are situated in Amsterdam. The Dutch tax authority has put together an expert team of around ten people to research the long list of offshore firms and published data.
Corruption Problem: 


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