Public Administration

British MPs accuse Theresa May of turning 'blind eye to President Putin's kleptocrats'

British politicians accuse Theresa May of turning a "blind eye to President Putin's kleptocrats". A parliamentary committee has accused the government of empty rhetoric after the poisoning of former Russian spy Sergei Skripal.

Preşedintele suspendat al CJ Braşov, Aristotel Căncescu, judecat pentru corupţie, plasat în arest la domiciliu

The suspended president of Brașov County Council, Aristotel Căncescu, judged for corruption actions like abuse of office, bribery, money laundering in form continued, influence peddling and incitement to attempted abuse of office, has been placed at house arrest.

Korruptionsverdacht im Nahverkehr in Thueringen: Weitere Durchsuchungen und Festnahmen

Suspicion of corruption in local traffic in Thuringia: eleven offices as well as apartments in five federal states were searched. It is determined of suspicion of infidelity, corruption and bribery. There is a loss of more than 100,000 euros.

Korruption: Nigeria streicht 50.000 "Geisterbeamten" das Gehalt

Corruption: Nigeria cancels 50,000 "ghost-officials" the salary. Tens of thousands of Nigerians get salary from the state even though they never appear to work. Due to the cancellations, the state budget saves about 630 million euros each year in fraudulent wage expenses.
Corruption Problem: 

Drogen und Prostituierte: Bestechungsskandal bei US-Pensionsfonds

Bribery scandal at US pension funds: luxury watches, cocaine and prostitutes - with these gifts two brokers have paid for the orders of a large US pension fund. The New York Prosecutor's Office has prosecuted.

Acuzaţii grave de corupţie pentru consilierul personal al primarului Andrei Chiliman

Emanoil Bocean, personal advisor to First Sector Mayor Andrei Chiliman and coordinator of the Local Police was is charged with continuous traffic of influence.
Corruption Problem: 

DNA: Directorul Administrației Bazinale de Apă Dobrogea-Litoral, urmărit penal pentru abuz în serviciu și conflict de interese

The prosecutors of National Anticorruption Directorate(DNA) ordered prosecution against George Daniel Papari, the manager of Administrația Bazinală de Apă Dobrogea-Litoral, a subdivision of Romanian Water , for allegedly committed abuse in office and conflict of interests.

Bogdan Olteanu, plasat în arest la domiciliu pentru 30 de zile în dosarul în care este anchetat şi Sorin Ovidiu Vîntu

Bogdan Olteanu, the Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Romania(BNR) was placed under house arrest, following the accusation of influence peddling.
Corruption Problem: 

Prozess um Bestechung bei Feuerwehr startete

It took six years from the first allegations to the trial. Since Monday the former county fire inspector Willi Sußebach and the Hessisch Lichtenauer entrepreneur and former city fire inspector Dirk Oetzel stand before the Kassel regional court. The allegation: bribery in the context of the award of orders for fire protection equipment.
Corruption Problem: 

Korupcijos vėžys rijo ir kovotojus su vėžiu (Aktualijos)

Lithuanian National Cancer Institute is suspected of having transfered significant subsidy amounts to several companies, linked to the son of the director of the institute, and its Head of Economy Department.


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