Power Generation and Transmission

Nederlandse bedrijven ‘financierden mogelijk jarenlang terreur’

A number of Dutch companies may be involved in a fraud network that defrauded at least one billion euros and possibly funded terrorist organizations. The companies involved would not have paid the tax on the trading of CO2-certificates. Zembla calls it "the biggest tax fraud in history".
Corruption Problem: 

PWYP Indonesia publishes report on illicit financial flows and tax crime in the mining sector

According to a 2014 report from Global Financial Integrity entitled “Illicit Financial Flows from Developing Countries: 2003- 2012”, Indonesia ranks seventh of countries with the largest illicit Financial Flows (IFF). In 2014 IFF in Indonesia is estimated at a total of IDR 227.75 trillion ($20 billion), the mining sector contributes IDR 23.89 trillion ($2 billion), mainly derived from trade mis-invoicing. Late 2015 Publish What You Pay Indonesia conducted a study on IFF and tax crime in the mining sector in Indonesia. This is an urgent issue, given the sad reality of Indonesia among the top seven developing countries with highest IFF.

Hospodaření OKD prověřuje protikorupční policie

The Anti-corruption Police became interested in the management of the mining company OKD, which is in bankruptcy since May and has a multimillion debts. Detectives examine NWR Holdings B.V. (owner of OKD) and suspicious transactions. For example, OKD guarantee the billions in bonds and some of its assets were transferred to other companies.

Živě: Nervózní Tuhý prchl před novináři, rezignovat nehodlá. Spor má vyřešit bezpečnostní rada státu

Changing police structure in the form of merging Unit for Combating Organized Crime (UOOZ) and Unit for Combating Corruption and Financial Crime Unit (UOKFK) provoked a crisis in the police and the government coalition. Chief of the Unit for Combating Organized Crime, Robert Šlachta, resigned because he disagrees combining both Units.Police President Tomáš Tuhý refused any misconduct and he doesn't intend to resign.
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