Political Parties

Rasnačs: NA atmaksās maksātnespējas administratora Sprūda tēva ziedojumu

In the next days political party "National Association" will deduct back a 10 000 euros donation to father of insolvency administrator Māris Sprūds because that kind of donation casts a shadow on the association. Māris Sprūds himself stated that the doantion from his father means that he supports "nationally conservative values". He denied that the donation would be associated with any attempt to influence the regulation of the sector.

Raimondą Kurlianskį bandoma grąžinti už grotų

Prosecutor General‘s office of the Republic of Lithuania appeals the court‘s decision not to prolong the arrest of Raimundas Kurlianskis and suggests additional 2 month arrest period, on the grounds that current procedural means do not prevent the possible interfering with the investigation

Išsipildė juodžiausias scenarijus liberalams

Liberal Movement party support in polls down by 9% after the corruption scandal, the party drops from the 2nd to the 6th place in the table

Papirkimu įtariamas Raimondas Kurlianskis atsisakė svarbaus posto

Vice-president of MG Baltic Raimundas Kurlianskis, who is in the center of MG Baltic corruption scandal, has resigned from the council of the Lithuanian University of Health sciences

STT kratos – liberalo R. Mikaičio namuose ir G. Steponavičiaus fonde R. Šimašius visus sveikina; papildyta 15.45

Searches by Special Investigation Service in relation to MG Baltic scandal took place at Gintaras Steponavičius fund and at home of Rimantas Mikaitis; both are members of Liberal Movement party

R. Kurlianskiui paskirtas 25 tūkst. užstatas

Court does not agree with prolonging the arrest for Kurlianskis, suspected with corruption in the MG Baltic scandal. He is put under house arrest, sworn statement not to leave, a list of persons he is not allowed to communicate with and pays 25 000€ bail.

Teisme atsidūrė G. Vainausko byla – R. Pakso vaidmuo joje nepaskutinis kaltinimai - ir A. Zabuliui

Vilnius distric Court will investigate the case of former media outlet "Lietuvos rytas" editor-in-chief Gedvydas Vainauskas and "Law and Order" party leader Rolandas Paksas. They both are suspected of trafficking influence in Lithuania's Ministry of Environment in order to receive the license to build a supermarket in a small town of Prienai.

Pinigai Eligijui Masiuliui – už palankumą kredito unijoms?

The now former Lithuania's Liberal party leader Eligijus Masiulis received the bribe from Raimondas Kurlianskis, the vice-president of "MG Baltic" holding, while seeking favourable vote ir regulation of credit unions.

Mafia Capitale, al via il maxiprocesso: alla sbarra Carminati e tutti i suoi uomini

Šaltiniai: atliktos kratos Nerijaus Numavičiaus įmonėje

Searches by Special Investigation Service in relation to the MG Baltic scandal were conducted also in the company belonging to Nerijus Numavičius, main shareholder of the group ″Vilniaus prekyba″


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