Political Parties

Jaunā korupcijas lietā KNAB pratina 'lielās zivis', vēsta 'de facto'

The Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) after a long term has questioned one influential business figure who has been also often associated with politicians - millionaire Māris Martinsons. The management of KNAB refuse to comment the new bribery case, therefore, it is not clear weather there are seperately involved persons from politics and state officials.
Corruption Problem: 

R. Kurlianskis slaptus dokumentus galėjo gauti ir seniau

Raimondas Kurlianskis, vice-president of MG Baltic group, person who is in the centre of corruption scandal, has also been officialy suspected of unlawful possession of the information constituting a State secret.

Prokurorai nepalieka V. Uspaskicho ramyb?je

Prosecutor General‘s office of Lithuania has decided to appeal the Labour party „black accounting“ case on legal points and bring it before the court of cassation- Lithuanian Supreme Court. Prosecutors inquire if the the crime had been rightly classified as a provision of inaccurate data and not fraud, and other legal questions such as responsibility of a legal entity after its reorganisation.

Goldman Sachs' Verflechtung mit der Politik: Alles zum Wohl des Geldes

The entry of Former European Commission President Barroso at the US bank Goldman Sachs arouses indignation. The interdependence of the bank with prominent politicians are amazingly close.

VRK svarstys E. Masiulio prašymą panaikinti jo Seimo nario mandatą

Central Electoral Commission will consider the request of Eligijus Masiulis to suspend his mandate in the Lithuanian Parliament, since he has been suspected of taking a bribe. He has already stepped down from Liberal Movement party leader position.

Teismas leido 20 dienų suimti „MG Baltic“ viceprezidentą R. Kurlianskį dar atnaujinta

Vilnius district court has allowed the arrest of Raimondas Kurlianskis, vice-president of „MG Baltic“ group, who is suspected of graft and bribery of an intermediary, for 20 days. The prosecutors had asked arrest of 2 months

Šokiruojančios kyšininkavimo skandalo detalės: kur Eligijus Masiulis galėjo paimti pinigus?

The bribe of 106 thousand euro to ex-Member of Parliament Eligijus Masiulis has been allegedly given to him in cash in the parking lot right next to the Lithuanian Parliament on 10th May. The investigation officers supposedly have been listening to the calls of Masiulis and Raimondas Kurlianskis, suspected of graft, for 7 months

VRK kirtis konservatoriams – papirkinėjo rinkėjus

Central Electoral Commission has decided that an event organised by Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrats (TS-LKD) party with a performance of a famous musician has to be considered as a violation of a law prohibiting to bribe voters.

E. Masiulis įtariamas ir kyšininkavimu

Eligijus Masiulis, now ex-Member of Parliament, is suspected of bribery of an intermediary, acquisition or handling of the property obtained by criminal means, and also of bribery. While being Member of Parliament and the head of the Liberal Movement party, he has allegedly received a bribe from Kurlianskis, vice-president of MG Baltic, in return of decisions favourable for the group.

Corruzione, 24 arresti tra evasione e tangenti. Indagato deputato Antonio Marotta (Ncd). Legami con “altissime cariche istituzionali”

Antonio Marotta (center-right party deputy) is under investigation for ties to high-ranking institutions. 24 arrests for evasion and bribery. The alleged crimes: association for conspiracy, tax fraud, corruption, money laundering to fraud against the State and embezzlement.


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