Political Parties

Judge rules false expenses claims are 'matter for Parliament'

A former Conservative peer has been acquitted of submitting false expenses claims. Lord Hanningfield was charged with submitting claims for £3,300 in 2013 for attendance at the House of Lords. The prosecution at London's Southwark Crown Court failed to offer any evidence.

Korruptionsskandal: Petrobras k?rzt Investitionen um 32 Milliarden Dollar

Corruption scandal in Brazil: Petrobras cuts investment by 32 billion dollars.

Venezuela: Oberster Gerichtshof legt Parlamentsarbeit lahm

Venezuela: The dispute between the opposition and President Nicolás Maduro intensified. The Supreme Court declared all decisions of Parliament invalid. The Socialists accuse the opposition to have won three mandates by vote buying.

Enthüllungen über Chefberater: Trumps geheime Russland-Connection

US-Election: Donald Trump's campaign manager Paul Manafort should have received $ 12.7 million of pro-Russian forces. Manafort previously worked as a consultant of 2014 dispossessed Ukrainian president and Putin's friend Viktor Yanukovych.
Corruption Problem: 

Brasilien: Polizei setzt Tränengas gegen Rousseff-Anhänger ein

Brazil's President Rousseff threatened with impeachment by the Senate. Shortly before the vote, thousands of people for the head of state took to the streets. Police use tear gas against them.

Amtsenthebung in Brasilien: Dilmas letzter Kampf

The Brazilian Senate votes on Tuesday whether President Dilma Rousseff is removed from office. Many believe Rousseff could not lead the country out of recession. And some take the opportunity to prevent corruption investigations.

Tunesien: Neuer Premier, alte Probleme

Tunisia: Youssef Chahed is new Premierminister- He intended to solve the old problems of the country: unemployment, terrorism and corruption.
Corruption Problem: 

Regierungskrise in der Ukraine: Jazenjuks?Koalition verliert Mehrheit im Parlament

Ukraine: Prime Minister Yatsenyuk with his pro-European coalition has no longer the majority in parliament. Ex-Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko has already left the alliance and accuses Yatsenyuk of nepotism.
Corruption Problem: 

Verfahren gegen Sarkozy wegen illegaler Wahlkampffinanzierung

France: conservative ex-president Nicolas Sarkozy is under formal investigation for illegal campaign funding in 2012.
Corruption Problem: 

Ermittlungsverfahren: Sarkozy soll Wahlkampf illegal finanziert haben

France: conservative ex-president Nicolas Sarkozy is under formal investigation for illegal campaign funding. The Politician is already facing a corruption trial for the attempt bribe of a high-ranking prosecutor.
Corruption Problem: 


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