Prosecutors request suspended 4 year sentence for Gediminas Miliauskas, former assistant to Deputy Speaker of the Seimas (Lithuanian Parliament) Kęstas Komskis for alleged peddling of influence . He allegedly received a bribe for influencing decision of The Directorate General of State Forests related to employment.
Ex member of Parliament Vytautas Gapšys is officialy suspected of peddling influence and receiving a bribe amounting to 25 000 Eur for decisions which would favour business concern "MG Baltic"
The paid additional activities of the CSU politician Florian Hahn provide for discussions about conflicts of interest in the Bundestag. The deputy is sitting in the defense committee of the Bundestag and is at the same time a supervisory board of the company Industrieanlagen-Betriebsgesellschaft (IABG)
The paid additional activities of the CSU politician Florian Hahn provide for discussions about conflicts of interest in the Bundestag. The deputy is sitting in the defense committee of the Bundestag and is at the same time a supervisory board of the company Industrieanlagen-Betriebsgesellschaft (IABG)
The alleged former chief of staff of the Irish Republican Army (IRA) Thomas 'Slab' Murphy was sentenced on Friday to 18 months in prison for not paying tax in a embarrassing decision for close allies in the Sinn Fein political party on election day.
First debate in the state parliament about the new donation scandal in the CDU: It is about the illegal donations of secret agent Werner Mauss. He has sent 82,000 euros to the Rhineland-Palatinate CDU through a law firm.
Spain's prospects could be turned around with a "big bang" at the start of a new parliament, zeroing in on ending Corruption, overhauling education and creating jobs, the Ciudadanos party said as it campaigned ahead of December's vote.
Several Lithuanian solcialdemocratic party members who are holding public offices in Vilkviskis region single-member constituency were accused of working with the Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevicius on his election campaign without taking the official time off from their primary duties.