Political Parties

British MPs accuse Theresa May of turning 'blind eye to President Putin's kleptocrats'

British politicians accuse Theresa May of turning a "blind eye to President Putin's kleptocrats". A parliamentary committee has accused the government of empty rhetoric after the poisoning of former Russian spy Sergei Skripal.

Galutinis sprendimas: per Seimo rinkimus kalinių balsų nenupirko

The Supreme Court of Lithuania has cleared the charges in the vote buying case. The prosecutors contended that there allegedly was an intent to buy votes of numerous prison inmates in favour of Darbo party (Labour party) during the 2012 Parliament elections.

Teismui perduota prekybos poveikiu byla – kaltinimai pareikšti G.Vainauskui ir A.Zabuliui

The case of Gedvydas Vainauskas, the head of media group „Lietuvos Rytas“ and Antanas Zabulis, who are suspected of trafficking of influence, reaches the court. Vainauskas could have had allegedly asked a leader of a party „Tvarka ir Teisingumas“ Rolandas Paksas, current member of the European Parliament to influence officials of an institution coordinated by the Ministry of the Environment.

„Baltosios pirštinės“ׅ: per pastarąsias 2 dienas – apie 40 pranešimų apie rinkimų pažeidimus

Civil Society activists in Lithuania reported around 40 cases of possible election fraud during the two-days of early voting in the second round of Lithuanian Parliament election.

Rinkimai Trakuose ir Širvintose: kreipėsi į policiją dėl neblaivių asmenų, galimo papirkinėjimo

During repeated municipality elections in Trakai and Širvintos municipalities the police has received 31 notices on alleged breaches which consist mainly of vote buying and prohibited substance usage.

Soupçons d'escroquerie lors des campagnes du FN : une nouvelle enquête ouverte

A new investigation in France for the political party Front National: misuse of assets and complicity in fraud in a continuing campaign finance inquiry.
Corruption Problem: 

VRK oficialiai patvirtino Seimo rinkimų rezultatus

Chief Electoral Commission confirmed the results of the first and the second round of the Parliament elections. However, member of the party „Tvarka ir teisingumas“ Kęstas Komskis has been denied the mandate on the basis of alleged vote buying.

M5s Bologna, caso firme: 4 indagati. Ex militante che denunciò: “Vertici in città sapevano, li avevamo avvertiti”

Italian prosecutors are investigating the anti-establishment party Five Star Movement, a mounting scandal concerning suspected electoral fraud using faked and cloned signatures for the regional election in 2014.
Corruption Problem: 

EU-Kommissar: Oettinger verteidigt Flug zu Orbán im Privatjet

For a flight to Hungary, Günther Oettinger used the private jet of a Kremlin-based manager. The CDU politician now reproaches allegations that he has violated the ethics rules of the EU Commission.
Corruption Problem: 

P. Gražulis apklaustas dėl prekybos poveikiu

The Special Investigation Service has questioned Member of Parliament Petras Gražulis as a witness in the case of alleged trafficiking of influence conducted by the party „Order and Justice“ ( „Tvarka ir Teisingumas“)


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