Oil and Gas

Na sodni obravnavi odmevalo vpra?anje, kje naj sedi Bav?ar

Istrabenz case is again at the court, where prosecution is trying to convict Igor Bavčar for money laundering and soliciting misuse of public position.
Corruption Problem: 

V Braziliji podprli postopek za odpoklic Dilme Rousseff

Process of impeachment of Brazilian president, due to alleged embezzlement and involvmenet in Petrobras scandal, is still in place.

Brazilsko to?ilstvo predsednico in nekdanjega predsednika obto?uje korupcije

Brazilian Attorney General demanded investigation against Dilma Rousseff and Liuz Inacio Lula da Silva over allegations of corruption in Petrobras scandal.

Brazilski generalni to?ilec za preiskavo proti predsednici in njenemu predhodniku

Brazilian General Attorney demanded an investigation by the Supreme Court against Dilma Rousseff based on allegations about obstruction of the investigation of corruption in Petrobras.
Corruption Problem: 

Aanklager Brazili? wil onderzoek naar rivaal Rousseff

The Brazilian Attorney General has asked the Supreme Court to launch an investigation to Aecio Neves, opposition leader and candidate in the presidential election of 2014, because of corruption linked to the Petrobras scandal. Neves is in favor of the impeachment against the current president Dilma Rousseff.
Corruption Problem: 

OM Brazili? wil onderzoek naar president Rousseff

The chief prosecutor of Brazil has asked the Supreme Court to authorize an investigation of President Dilma Rousseff because of the obstruction of a major corruption investigation against state oil company Petrobras.

Igor Bavčar spet prosil za odlog prestajanja zaporne kazni

Igor Bavčar, convicted of money laundering and solicitation of misuse of position, again filed a request for postponment of inprisonment.
Corruption Problem: 

Bavčar je znova zaprosil za odlog prestajanja zaporne kazni

Igor Bavčar, convicted of solicitation of misuse of position and money-laundering, filed a request for postponement of imprisonment due to his health.
Corruption Problem: 

Sodišče odločilo o Bavčarjevem odlogu prestajanja kazni

Discrict Court reaches a decision on the postponment of serving a prison sentence by Igor Bavčar, convicted of solicitation of misuse of public position and money-laundering.
Corruption Problem: 

Igor Bavčar odšteva dneve na prostosti?

Start of serving prison sentence by the former CEO of Istrabenz - Igor Bavčar, due to abuse of power.
Corruption Problem: 


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