Medical Services

Primele rețineri în cazul medicilor care au transformat pacienți în cobai pentru bani

A doctor from the Psychiatry Section of the Arad County Hospital was detained last night and today she will find if she is preemptively arrested. In total, 50 doctors across the country are accused of testing medicine without authorization on patients in exchange of money. Such a study would bring a doctor up to 150,000 euros.
Corruption Problem: 

Şefa Secţiei de Psihiatrie de la Spitalul din Arad, reţinută în dosarul privind studiile clinice făcute ilegal pe pacienţi

Delia Marina Podea, the head of the psychiatry department at the Arad County Hospital was detained by prosecutors from the General Prosecutor’s Office in a case of clinical trials used towards the authorization of medicine which would impact the state of health of the population.
Corruption Problem: 

DNA: Medicul Alexandru Ciocâlteu, reținut pentru luare de mită

Former manager of the ”Sf. Ioan” Emergency Hospital from Bucharest, Alexandru Ciocâlteu, was detained by the National Anticorruption Directorate prosecutors for commiting the offence of bribery.
Corruption Problem: 

Politikė bus teisiama dėl dokumentų klastojimo nustatant negalią

A politician, ex Member of the Council of Šiauliai municipality Virginija Račienė is accused of alleged fraud and forgery which had allowed her to receive non lawful compensations. A Medic of Republican Šiauliai hospital and a medic Šiauliai central outpatient clinic who allegedly helped are also accused

Pacienți care dădeau mită pentru pensionare, folosiți drept cobai în studii clinice 

Patients offering bribes to doctors in order to retire earlier were used in medical experiments without their consent. People were getting hospitalized in the psychiatry section even though they were mentally healthy and the doctor gave them advice on how to pretend to be mentally unstable so that the diagnosis appeared real.
Corruption Problem: 

Ploriņš atstādināts no jaunā amata Austrumu slimnīcā

The former executive of the Emergency Medical Service (NMPD) Armands Ploriņš recently had been confirmed at his new position at Riga Eastern Clinical University Hospital. Yet, he has been suspended from it. The board of the hospital had received documents from the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) and the Ministry of Health that he can not perform his duties in full amount for a certain time.
Corruption Problem: 

Acuzaţi de abuz în serviciu şi arestaţi, managerii a două mari spitale au fost suspendaţi

Bogdan Paltineanu and Nicolae Dan Straja, managers of Bagdasar-Arseni hospital and of the Oncological Institute, were suspended and preemptively arrested in a DNA case of abuse of service and bribery of approximately 100,000 euros.
Corruption Problem: 

Pieci no septiņiem korupcijā aizdomās turētajiem mediķiem joprojām strādā Austrumu slimnīcā

Five of seven medics suspected for corruption still work at the East Hospital. Two medics resigned by their own but the other five continue to work at the hospital till the court's ruling.

KNAB par ilgstošu korupciju rosina apsūdzēt septiņus 'Gaiļezera' un onkoloģijas centra mediķus

Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) has requested to start criminal proceedings against seven employees of medical staff of Riga Eastern Clinical Hospital of University for taking and demanding unlawful benefits from patients.


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