
Berlusconiju grozi sojenje zaradi podkupovanja prič z Ruby na čelu

New trial to former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi due to alleged bribery of witnesses in Ruby case.
Corruption Problem: 

OM eist celstraffen tot 20 maanden in corruptieproces publieke omroep

Public prosecutor demands prison sentences up to 20 months in corruption trial against public broadcasting corporation. Involved in the corruption and fraud trial are filmmaker Rob Hof and former broadcasting director Frank William.
Corruption Problem: 

Lex Babiš? Koalice chce upravit vztah státních firem a médií

Government coalition wants to find a mechanism that would prevent state and parastatal companies in the possible influence of the media owned by Czech minister of finance Andrej Babis.

Alaya insiste y pide información sobre todas las empresas públicas

The judge in the ERE case in Spain, Mercedes Alaya, insists on her request to meet the given funding transfers in other public companies in the Andalusian Assembly.
Corruption Problem: 


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