Local authorities

Urteil: 18 Monate fuer Elektromeister nach Korruption bei Saar-Landesamt

18 months imprisonment on probation, the regional court Saarbrücken in the second corruption process around the Landesamt for Central Services (LZD) against the head of a Saarbrücken electrical company. He must also pay 15,000 euros to the state fund.

Skandal Stadtwerke Zeitz Korruption im Aufsichtsrat?

The scandal surrounding the fired boss of the municipal utilities Andreas Huke is expanding. Against the dismissed manager the prosecutor's office is investigating of the suspicion for infidelity. Now another powerful man in Zeitz is being targeted: Left-faction leader and local chairman of the parliamentary group Horst Heller. The municipal politician sits in the city council and belonged until 2013 to the supervisory board of the municipalities. Heller had to admit after MZ research that he had got a car free of charge from the municipalities.

Skandal Stadtwerke Zeitz Korruption im Aufsichtsrat?

The scandal surrounding the fired boss of the municipal utilities Andreas Huke is expanding. Against the dismissed manager the prosecutor's office is investigating of the suspicion for infidelity. Now another powerful man in Zeitz is being targeted: Left-faction leader and local chairman of the parliamentary group Horst Heller. The municipal politician sits in the city council and belonged until 2013 to the supervisory board of the municipalities. Heller had to admit after MZ research that he had got a car free of charge from the municipalities.

Spendenaffaere: Regensburgs OB weiter unter Druck

The Mayor of Regensburg is under pressure. This is due to an expansion of the donation funds, which already involved an investigation. The focus is also on his predecessors. Even after his election to the mayor of Regensburg, Joachim Wolbergs (SPD) apparently accepted further donations from construction companies to a not insignificant extent.

Spendenaffaere: Regensburgs OB weiter unter Druck

The Mayor of Regensburg is under pressure. This is due to an expansion of the donation funds, which already involved an investigation. The focus is also on his predecessors. Even after his election to the mayor of Regensburg, Joachim Wolbergs (SPD) apparently accepted further donations from construction companies to a not insignificant extent.

Spendenaffaere: Regensburgs OB weiter unter Druck

The Mayor of Regensburg is under pressure. This is due to an expansion of the donation funds, which already involved an investigation. The focus is also on his predecessors. Even after his election to the mayor of Regensburg, Joachim Wolbergs (SPD) apparently accepted further donations from construction companies to a not insignificant extent.

Statybas ant kvarco klodų įteisinančios pataisos - tik Anykščių šiltnamiams

The amendments to the Undeground Law allegedly could have been proposed in order to facilitate the activities of private investment to build constructions of greenhouses on the location of unique underground recources of quartz sand

Politikė bus teisiama dėl dokumentų klastojimo nustatant negalią

A politician, ex Member of the Council of Šiauliai municipality Virginija Račienė is accused of alleged fraud and forgery which had allowed her to receive non lawful compensations. A Medic of Republican Šiauliai hospital and a medic Šiauliai central outpatient clinic who allegedly helped are also accused

„Baltosios pirštinės“ׅ: per pastarąsias 2 dienas – apie 40 pranešimų apie rinkimų pažeidimus

Civil Society activists in Lithuania reported around 40 cases of possible election fraud during the two-days of early voting in the second round of Lithuanian Parliament election.

Rinkimai Trakuose ir Širvintose: kreipėsi į policiją dėl neblaivių asmenų, galimo papirkinėjimo

During repeated municipality elections in Trakai and Širvintos municipalities the police has received 31 notices on alleged breaches which consist mainly of vote buying and prohibited substance usage.


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