
Bradáčová se za své výroky o Martincovi omlouvat nemusí, rozhodl soud

District Court for Prague 2 dismissed a suit former chief of anti-corruption police Tomas Martinec againts the top state prosecutor Lenka Bradáčová. Martinec demanded 200,000 crowns from Bradáčová and an apology in the media for her statement on the radio, according to which he should have made her cause. According to the judge Otilia Hrehová is responsible for the statements chief prosecutor's office, not Brádáčová herself. The verdict is not final.
Corruption Problem: 

Atliekamas vidaus tyrimas dėl „auksinių šaukštų“ bylą nutraukusio prokuroro veiksmų

Lithuanian Prosecutor's Office began an internal investigation on the actions of Vilnius Distric Attorney after he initiated the termination of the legal investigation of possible misuse of public funds, when a private company Nota Bene had sold the goods for the Ministry of Defence 8-10 times the price after being names as the winning bidder in several defence sector tenders.

P3, pm chiede 4 anni per il plurimputato Denis Verdini. Nove anni e sei mesi per Flavio Carboni

Rome prosecutors requested 18 convictions in a trial into the so-called P3 case, a secret cabal that sought to exert undue influence on the State. Charges range from criminal association to corruption and abuse of power.

Congo's Jean-Pierre Bemba guilty of bribing witnesses International Criminal Court rules

Four members of his legal team were found guilty alonside him in the landmark Corruption ruling, the first case where the court has found suspects guilty of attempting to pervert the course of justice.
Corruption Problem: 

Northern Ireland solicitor faces legal aid fraud charges

A solicitor has appeared in court charged with 61 offences of False accounting linked to legal aid claims.
Corruption Problem: 

Předseda krajského soudu podal kárnou žalobu na obviněného soudce Nováka

Lubos Dörfl, a chairman of the Regional Court in Ustí nad Labem filed a disciplinary action to the Supreme Administrative Court againts judge Ivan Novák. Novák faces charges of abuse of power and bribe-taking. Due to this action, he could be removed from office. Criminologists argue that Novak prematurely released from prison for money one prisoner. Novák could be sentenced to a ten years imprisonment.
Corruption Problem: 

Turnovský advokát dostal za zpronevěru podmínku a pětiletý zákaz činnosti

David Burjánek, an advocate from Turnov was ineffectual sentenced to three years imprisonment for an embezzlement. Punishment is conditionally suspended for a probationary period of five years. He also cannot carry out advocate function or insolvency administrator. Burjánek was indicted that he gradually picked five million crowns from the attorney’s escrow. He confessed, that he used the money to buy household equipment or to help a friend, threatened executions. Although he thought he is able to return the money back in time, his client did not received money in settled time.
Corruption Problem: 

Bývalý soudce si řekl o úplatek 400 tisíc, dostal 3,5 roku vězení

The District Court in Kladno on Tuesday sent to 3,5 years in prison Judge Ladislav Jelínek. According to the prosecution he had to say about the more than 400 thousand in relation to influencing the court verdict. Additionally, he must pay a fine of 90,000 crowns. According to the court he commited a fraud. However, advocate said that his client wants to appeal to a senior Central Regional Court.
Corruption Problem: 

Soudní znalec si měl říct o úplatek za zpracování účelového posudku

The expert witness with his son in the field of electrical engineering had demand bribes from businessman for processing purpose assessment in the amount of two hundred thousand crowns. The men demanded a bribe from a hotelier from Janské Lázně. Hotelier all reported to Police, that arrested the men in taking bribe. Both men could get five-year sentence for the offense of accepting a bribe.
Corruption Problem: 


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