
Korruptionsvorwuerfe: LKA beschlagnahmt Unterlagen bei ehemaligem Notarzt-Chef

Corruption allegations: LKA seized documents from Duisburg's former emergency physician chief Frank Marx. He is said to have prosecuted among other things in medication shops.
Corruption Problem: 

Primele rețineri în cazul medicilor care au transformat pacienți în cobai pentru bani

A doctor from the Psychiatry Section of the Arad County Hospital was detained last night and today she will find if she is preemptively arrested. In total, 50 doctors across the country are accused of testing medicine without authorization on patients in exchange of money. Such a study would bring a doctor up to 150,000 euros.
Corruption Problem: 

DNA: Medicul Alexandru Ciocâlteu, reținut pentru luare de mită

Former manager of the ”Sf. Ioan” Emergency Hospital from Bucharest, Alexandru Ciocâlteu, was detained by the National Anticorruption Directorate prosecutors for commiting the offence of bribery.
Corruption Problem: 

Politikė bus teisiama dėl dokumentų klastojimo nustatant negalią

A politician, ex Member of the Council of Šiauliai municipality Virginija Račienė is accused of alleged fraud and forgery which had allowed her to receive non lawful compensations. A Medic of Republican Šiauliai hospital and a medic Šiauliai central outpatient clinic who allegedly helped are also accused

Korupcijos vėžys rijo ir kovotojus su vėžiu (Aktualijos)

Lithuanian National Cancer Institute is suspected of having transfered significant subsidy amounts to several companies, linked to the son of the director of the institute, and its Head of Economy Department.

Korupcija įtariamiems Šiaulių ligoninės vadovams skirti užstatai, daugėja įtariamųjų

High profile officials of Šiauliai county hospital are suspected of corruption including counts on abuse of office and bribery. Court has ordered a sworn statement not to leave and to pay bail as procedural measures

Nomine all'Asl di Benevento, l'ex ministro De Girolamo (Fi) rinviata a giudizio per concussione: "Mi difenderò"

According to the prosecution's theorem the former minister De Girolamo was the organizer and promoter of a "political party" directory that oriented clienteles, contracts and patronage of Benevento ASL (local health authority) according to the logic of power and electoral advantage. The trial will start on November.

Bulgaria to tackle ?nightmare? health system

Bulgaria's medical system is causing a serious headache for everyone in a country which - despite massive healthcare investment and the most hospitals per capita in the European Union- has the highest death rate across the bloc. With 15 deaths per 1,000 people, Bulgaria has held the top spot in the EU's mortality ranking for nearly a decade, according to the National Statistics Institute. But it is hoped fresh, ambitious reforms to better distribute public funds and crack down on Corruption will improve matters.
Corruption Problem: 

Tangenti dentiere, la Lombardia parte civile contro Rizzi: il legale è il difensore di Maroni

The process concerns alleged rigged contracts, since Maria Paola Canegrati enters in contact with Valentino Longo. They were rigged procurement for some years and Canegrati had monopoly of dental services in public hospitals.

Expo, ex dg Infrastrutture Lombarde condannato a 2 anni e 2 mesi per corruzione

Two years and two months for general manager of Infrastrutture Lombarde, Antonio Rognoni who was accused of bid rigging in EXPO and again of bid rigging, bribery and disclosure of official secret for the construction of the City of Health in Sesto San Giovanni. Rognoni was only convicted in relation to this second contract and instead acquitted in the first one.


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