Electoral Management Body

„Baltosios pirštinės“ׅ: per pastarąsias 2 dienas – apie 40 pranešimų apie rinkimų pažeidimus

Civil Society activists in Lithuania reported around 40 cases of possible election fraud during the two-days of early voting in the second round of Lithuanian Parliament election.

Lemondott a korrupció miatt elítélt román miniszter

Romanian Development and Administration minister Liviu Dragnea resigned after he received a suspended prison sentence of one year in a case in which he was accused of fraud in a 2012 referendum.

Nový šéf Trumpovy kampaně nedělal jen pro Reagana. Pomáhal Janukovyčovi i diktátorům z Afriky

Donald Trump still repeated that the Republican establishment does not like him and that they had actually goes against him. Paul Manafort, the chief of Trump's campaign, is the experienced lobbyist, who did campaign for US presidents and African dictators. On the one hand it is a recognized expert, but on the other hand it is a man who cashed millions of African or Asian dictators. FBI was also interested in Manaforta. When it became clear that he received several hundred thousand dollars from a mysterious Trade Organization.

Gest?ndnis im Telekom-Prozess: "Habe das Geld genommen"

In the trial on the 120,000 euros which should have financed the election campaign of the Graz ÖVP in 2008 five accused pleadged not guilty. In contrast the sixth confessed and attested that the money was used for the federal ÖVP.

Foto: Srbska opozicija protestirala zaradi "volilne kraje"

Oposition in Serbia organized a protest against the alleged election fraud by leading party in Serbian parliament SNS.
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