
Korruption: Brasilianischer Baukonzern zahlt mindestens 3,5 Milliarden Dollar Strafe

It is the biggest bribe process so far: The Brazilian construction group Odebrecht and a subsidiary pay at least $ 3.5 billion to the USA, Switzerland and Brazil.
Corruption Problem: 

Spendenaffaere: Regensburgs OB weiter unter Druck

The Mayor of Regensburg is under pressure. This is due to an expansion of the donation funds, which already involved an investigation. The focus is also on his predecessors. Even after his election to the mayor of Regensburg, Joachim Wolbergs (SPD) apparently accepted further donations from construction companies to a not insignificant extent.

Spendenaffaere: Regensburgs OB weiter unter Druck

The Mayor of Regensburg is under pressure. This is due to an expansion of the donation funds, which already involved an investigation. The focus is also on his predecessors. Even after his election to the mayor of Regensburg, Joachim Wolbergs (SPD) apparently accepted further donations from construction companies to a not insignificant extent.

Spendenaffaere: Regensburgs OB weiter unter Druck

The Mayor of Regensburg is under pressure. This is due to an expansion of the donation funds, which already involved an investigation. The focus is also on his predecessors. Even after his election to the mayor of Regensburg, Joachim Wolbergs (SPD) apparently accepted further donations from construction companies to a not insignificant extent.

Kratos, sulaikymai ir įtarimai milijonų eurų vertės sutarties pasirašyti nesutrukdė

Investigation on alleged corruption related to public procurement procedure in the State Enterprise Klaipeda State Seaport authority has not impeded the signing of the contract with „Latvijas tilti“ for 11,7 million euro

Šiaulių savivaldybės tarnautojui gresia nušalinimas

The prosecutors request the suspension for an official of Šiauliai municipality arrested in the case of public procurement corruption. He allegedy received a bribe amounting to more than 9500 Eur and other gain for him and his family members, for favorable conditions of public procurement to company „Šiaulių plentas“

„Šiaulių plento“ byloje trys įtariamieji suimti dviem mėnesiams

The court allows to arrest two managers of „Šiaulių plentas“ and an official of The Lithuanian Road Administration suspected with corruption in public procurement.

Grandi Opere, 21 arresti per i lavori della Tav Milano-Genova e dell’A3: “Corruzione e associazione a delinquere”

A corruption inquest into Italian construction works: key figures have been arrested under the national investigation into corruption and extortion within various Italian construction works of Terzo Valico, the railway line which was to connect Liguria to Tortona and other Northern lines, primarily in the direction of Milan. The ‘round-up’ spread across the entire nation, making arrests in Lazio, Lombardy, Piedmont, Liguria, Tuscany, Abruzzo, Umbria and Calabria
Corruption Problem: 

Terremoto: Scuole, chiese, musei: ecco gli appalti dove la Finanza acceso riflettori

Central Italy earthquake: this is the list of buildings that the GdF Special Unit for the anti-corruption has prepared and sent to National Anti-Corruption Authority (ANAC), led by Raffaele Cantone.


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