Banking and Finance 

Schweizer Bank: Belgien wirft UBS Steuerhinterziehung und Geldwaesche vor

The Belgian courts investigates against the Swiss bank UBS for serious and organized tax evasion and money laundering.

Fr?herer BayernLB-Chef: Ex-Banker Gribkowsky kommt vorzeitig frei

He collected $ 44 million bribe from Formula 1 boss Bernie Ecclestone and was sentenced for that. Now the ex-board member of the bavarian federal state bank Gerhard Gribkowsky gets precociously discharged from prison.
Corruption Problem: 

Drohende ?berschuldung: Finanzaufsicht schlie?t Bank in Frankfurt

Federal Financial Supervisory Authority closes the German subsidiary of the Canadian Maple Bank because of threatened insolvency. Last September, there had been searches in connection with allegations of large-scale tax evasion and money laundering.

Francij? naudas atmazg??anas liet? aps?dz?bas ar? ?Rietumu bankai? un t?s prezidentam

There has been raised charge for the help of money laundering against the "West Bank" (Rietumu Banka) and its President Aleksandrs Pankovs in the extensive criminal case that has been already brought to French Prosecutor's Office. The main defendant in this case is the former executive of the company Nadavs Bensusāns who is also recognized as the "offshore king" in France.
Corruption Problem: 

FKTK priekšsēdētājs: Bankas sodīšana ir galējais līdzeklis

The Parliament of Latvia (Saeima) is currently reviewing the final reading of prepared amendements of the law that requires to increase penalties of offenses related to the use of money laundering in the financial system.
Corruption Problem: 

Lietā par naudas atmazgāšanu Belokoņam piederošajā bankā notikusi kratīšana

There has been a performed raid by the Economic Police involving special forces "Omega" in the "Baltic International Bank" in Riga, Old Town. The bank is owned by Valērijs Belkoņs. Investigators confirmed that the raid has been carried out regarding criminal proceedings of money laundering in a group.

Zinsmanipulation: Haftstrafen für vier ehemalige Banker

A London court has sentenced four former bankers to prison. They manipulated the interest rate libor, that regulates transactions in the millions.
Corruption Problem: 

Finanzaufsicht: BaFin richtet Meldestelle für Whistleblower ein

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) established a reporting platform for whistleblowers.
Corruption Problem: 

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Key Suspect in Bobar Bank Fraud Case Arrested

A Key Suspect was arrested in what is suspected to be the largest and most complex post-war financial scam case in the country

Anglo executives found guilty of conspiring to defraud the public

Two former executives of Anglo Irish bank have been found guilty to conspiring to defraud the public
Corruption Problem: 


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