Anti-Corruption Agencies

Csalás miatt vizsgálják a román adóhatóság csalásellenes osztályvezetőjét

Head of anti-fraud department of the Fiscal Antifraud Directorate General Romeo Florin Nicolae is accused of influence-peddling and taking bribes. He allegedly asked and got 5000 EUR from an enterprise for lowering their taxes.

Na kit vett most őrizetbe a romániai korrupcióellenes ügyészség?

Inspector general of the anti-corruption department of County Prahova's Police Constantin Ispas and two other officers were arrested with the charges of bribery, trafficking influence, misuse of insider information, abuse of power and money laundering.

Brazilský ministr pro boj proti korupci brzdil vyšetřování korupce

Brazilian Minister to fight corruption Fabiano Silveira obstructed investigation of corruption. There is a recording type on which the minister is trying to obstructe the investigation of corruption scandals involving state oil company Petrobras. The recording was published on TV Globo. Silveira announced his resignation in a letter on Monday, according to Reuters.


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