United States

US-Subventionen: Palin kritisiert Trumps Steuer-Deal

Donald Trump receives criticism from Sarah Palin for his deal with the maintenance of a workplace of an air conditioner manufacturer in the USA. The ex-governor of Alaska warned against the "capitalist nepotism" and unfair state interventions.
Corruption Problem: 

US-Subventionen: Palin kritisiert Trumps Steuer-Deal

Donald Trump receives criticism from Sarah Palin for his deal with the maintenance of a workplace of an air conditioner manufacturer in the USA. The ex-governor of Alaska warned against the "capitalist nepotism" and unfair state interventions.
Corruption Problem: 

Whistleblower: US-Geheimdienstausschuss wirft Snowden unlautere Motive vor

US secret service committee accuses Snowden of unfair motives: Edward Snowden is not a whistleblower for the control panel of the US House of Representatives. Rather, he was a frustrated employee.
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Der gewählte US-Präsident Trump beklagt Wahlbetrug

From the Clinton camp supported recounts Trump regards as money-wasting - and simultaneously speaks of "election fraud". By this, Clinton had received millions of votes in the US election.
Corruption Problem: 

Umstrittene Eigen-PR: Ivanka Trump nach Schmuckwerbung in der Kritik

Controversial self-PR: When Donald Trump gave his first TV interview after the election, daughter Ivanka was at his side. On the wrist, she wore a brace from her own collection - her label took the opportunity.

Milliardengeschäfte von Donald Trump: Beispielloser Interessenkonflikt

Unprecedented conflict of interest: Donald Trumps billionimperium comprises 515 companies. They are likely to benefit enormously when he is the US president, especially since he is not making any effort to separate his office from his family.

Private Geschäfte: Trump lässt sich die Präsidentschaft vergolden

Donald Trump arranges his government - and continues to meet with business partners. Several examples illustrate how the boundaries between politics and profit are seriously blurred.

Medienbericht: Neue Schummelsoftware bei Audi entdeckt

Apparently Audi has been more cheated with the exhaust gas values of its cars than previously known. According to a report, the Californian environmental agency has discovered a new cheating software. Also cars in Europe are affected.
Corruption Problem: 

Dieselaffäre: Abgasbetrug bei Audi offenbar von langer Hand geplant

Exhaust emissions at Audi are apparently planned by long hand. Internal correspondence shows how Audi engineers deceived the authorities with manipulated engine software.
Corruption Problem: 


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