United States

Drogen und Prostituierte: Bestechungsskandal bei US-Pensionsfonds

Bribery scandal at US pension funds: luxury watches, cocaine and prostitutes - with these gifts two brokers have paid for the orders of a large US pension fund. The New York Prosecutor's Office has prosecuted.

Dieselaffäre: VW einigt sich mit US-Privatklägern

Volkswagen is taking another important hurdle to tackle the emission scandal. The Group has agreed with US private plaintiffs on a fundamental agreement on a "substantial compensation".
Corruption Problem: 

Korruption: Brasilianischer Baukonzern zahlt mindestens 3,5 Milliarden Dollar Strafe

It is the biggest bribe process so far: The Brazilian construction group Odebrecht and a subsidiary pay at least $ 3.5 billion to the USA, Switzerland and Brazil.
Corruption Problem: 

VW-Dieselaffäre: Konzern einigt sich mit US-Behörden

Volkswagen has agreed to a compromise with the American authorities in the exhaust scandal. The Group plans to repurchase a portion of the 80,000 3.0-liter diesel cars affected.
Corruption Problem: 

Milliardenschwere Betrugsvorwürfe: FBI nimmt Hedgefonds-Gründer fest

A new financial scandal in the US: Hedgefonds CEO Mark Nordlicht has allegedly cheated about one billion dollars. Now the FBI has arrested the manager.
Corruption Problem: 

Abgasaffäre: Volkswagen zahlt 1,5 Milliarden Euro für Vergleich in Kanada

Volkswagen pays 1.5 billion euros for comparison in Canada. Next step in the processing of the diesel fuel scandal: The VW Group pays up to 1.5 billion euros to Canadian car manufacturers. A further comparison in the US is still pending.
Corruption Problem: 

US-Richter sieht Bitcoin nicht als Waehrung an

In a US court case, the judge has not considered Bitcoin as a currency, so that no money laundering may have taken place. Instead, the judge assessed Bitcoin as the defendant's normal property. Money laundering is only possible with a currency.
Corruption Problem: 

US-Richter sieht Bitcoin nicht als Waehrung an

In a US court case, the judge has not considered Bitcoin as a currency, so that no money laundering may have taken place. Instead, the judge assessed Bitcoin as the defendant's normal property. Money laundering is only possible with a currency.
Corruption Problem: 

US-Subventionen: Palin kritisiert Trumps Steuer-Deal

Donald Trump receives criticism from Sarah Palin for his deal with the maintenance of a workplace of an air conditioner manufacturer in the USA. The ex-governor of Alaska warned against the "capitalist nepotism" and unfair state interventions.
Corruption Problem: 

US-Subventionen: Palin kritisiert Trumps Steuer-Deal

Donald Trump receives criticism from Sarah Palin for his deal with the maintenance of a workplace of an air conditioner manufacturer in the USA. The ex-governor of Alaska warned against the "capitalist nepotism" and unfair state interventions.
Corruption Problem: 


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