
Zaradi pohlepa in goljufij končal v zaporu

Borut Černe will remain serving his 13 years prison sentence for fraud.
Corruption Problem: 

Cerkev plačevala stroške družinskim članom paroha

Head of Serbian Orthodox Church in Slovenia is being investigated for alleged missuse of public position and embezzlement.
Corruption Problem: 

Lažno potrdili brezhibnost vozila za prevoz nevarnih snovi

Investigation showed that several individuals were involved in corruption scheme connected with technical inspection of vehicles.
Corruption Problem: 

Preiskava pokazala podkupovanje pri avtomobilih z resnimi pomanjkljivostmi

Investigation pointed towards corruption scandal connected with technical inspection of vehicles.
Corruption Problem: 

KPK: Korupcija ostaja stalnica

Commision for the Prevention of Corruption just published an assesment of the field of corruption in 2015.
Corruption Problem: 

Izpoved Dejana Orniga, informatorja, ki je za policijo vdiral v zasebno komunikacijo posameznikov

Confession of Dejan Ornig - alleged police informed who claims to hack into private communication of individuals.
Corruption Problem: 

Andoljšku pogojna in nižja denarna kazen

On re-trial of Žiga Andoljšek due to charges of misuse of public position, the court ruled for one year prison sentence.
Corruption Problem: 

Na vnovičnem sojenju samo o podkupninah

After decision of Supreme Court, the case of Robert Časar, Srečko Prijatelj and Marjan Mikuž is returned to the District Court.

Časar, Mikuž in Prijatelj ponovno na sodišču

Former CEO of Port of Koper, bussiness man Marjan Mikuž and former member of Slovenian parliament Srečko Prijatelj were again summoned before the district court, on charges of corruption, bribery and gift giving.

Po priznanju krivde pogojna kazen za nekdanja gradbinca

Former bosses of construction company MTB pleaded guilty in trial of corruption.
Corruption Problem: 


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