
De Northrop-affaire (Lockheed II)

Republished older article. The late Prince Bernhard of Holland has been connected to another case of receiving bribes from an airplane manufacturer. In the 70s the prince allegedly received bribes from the manufacturer Lockheed to ensure new military planes would be purchased from them. With the release of files that were kept secret until after his death it seems that he has accepted bribes from Northrop as well, Lockheed's competition.
Corruption Problem: 

Meldpunt FIU Nederland wint megajackpot bij ongebruikelijke transacties

The Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) the Netherlands tries to catch more funds that are connected to bribery by analyzing reports of unusual transactions. According to their recently published annual report, a reported transaction of 10 million euros led to the big settlement of 350 million euros between the Dutch public prosecutor and VimpelCom ltd. Trust offices still appear to be less inclined than banks to report unusual transactions.
Corruption Problem: 

Öztürk (DENK) spreekt van ‘karaktermoord’ na ophef

Dutch member of parliament Selçuk Öztür has been accused of nepotism and bribery in a recently published article by NRC Handelsblad. Öztür claims that the article is a way for the 'establishment' to soil his reputation. Health institution Daelzicht will start an investigation into his integrity.
Corruption Problem: 

Waarom laat het Openbaar Ministerie de corrupte zakenbankiers in de Vestia-fraude lopen?

Corrupt business bankers who played a central role in the biggest fraud case in Dutch history won't be prosecuted. The prosecutors don't want them to appear as witnesses either. Several banks, especially Deutsche Bank, profited the most from the Vestia-fraud, earning hundreds of millions of euros. This article questions why the public prosecutor doesn't seek justice for these crimes.
Corruption Problem: 

De foute Afrikaanse connecties van Heineken

Beer manufacturer Heineken has been doing business in Africa for 80 years. Tax evasion, fraud and being involved with human rights violations have all been part of doing business there.

Preisabsprachen: Lkw-Kartell droht Rekordstrafe

EU set to impose record cartel fine on truckmakers Daimler, DAF, Iveco and Scania for illegal price fixing.
Corruption Problem: 

OM eist twee jaar cel tegen oud-VVD’er Jos van Rey

The Dutch public prosecutor is aiming for a two year prison sentence for ex-politician Jos van Rey, who is charged with bribery, election fraud and money laundering.

Amsterdam ruim 50 keer in Panama Papers

The Panama Papers reveal a total of 332 Dutch addresses, of which 52 are situated in Amsterdam. The Dutch tax authority has put together an expert team of around ten people to research the long list of offshore firms and published data.
Corruption Problem: 

Steuern - Panama Papers: 76 ?sterreichische Briefk?sten

Consequences in different countries after the Panama Papers are published in the Internet.

Lobbytentakels strekken zich uit naar portemonnee van slechtzienden

Visually impaired patients are the victim of a lobby by Visio and Bartimeus that aims to obtain more healthcare funds. Consequences for the patients are high bills and unnecessary care. The lobby even reaches The Hague, where Jopie Nooren, chair of Bartimeus and member of the Senate (Eerste Kamer), often visits the ministry.
Corruption Problem: 


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