
Israel: Sender berichtet von Ermittlungen gegen Netanyahu

According to a TV report, the Israeli General Prosecutor's Office has opened an investigation against Prime Minister Netanyahu. He should be involved in a conflict of interest in the purchase of German submarines. He himself disputes faulty behavior in this context.
Corruption Problem: 

Sind deutsche Steuergelder an die Hamas geflossen?

Donation scandal: Has German tax money flowed to Hamas? At the World Vision aid organization, German money has been misappropriated for years and has been sent to the Hamas Palestinian terror organization
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Israeli police arrest diamond dealer in connection with $65m fraud inquiry

Israeli police are questioning a diamond dealer on suspicion of Embezzlement as part of a fraud investigation that could involve sums of up to $65 million (£45m).
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Korruptionsprozess: Israels Ex-Premier Olmert zu 18 Monaten Haft verurteilt

Corruption trial in Israel: former Prime Minister Olmert sentenced to 18 months of prison for accepting bribe money.
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Korruptionsvorwürfe: Die Netanyahus im Dauergerede

Israel's prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected accusations of corruption and embezzlement by his lawyers. The suspicion is caused by a report of a state audit which assumes that Netanyahu used buisness bonus miles for private flies with his family.
Corruption Problem: 

Siemens zahlt 37 Mio. Euro wegen Korruptionsfall

After a payment of 160 million shekels ( 37 million euros ) a Siemens korruption case is closed. An agreement was notified on Monday by the Israeli Ministry of Justice. The Ministry investigated if Siemens paid bribe to the company Israel Electric to arrange contracts.
Corruption Problem: 

Rumunsk? prokuratura vin? ?ty?i Izraelce z miliardov?ho podvodu

Romanian anticorruption prosecutor's office DNA suspects four Israeli businessmen from large restitution fraud, which prepared the Romanian state of several billion crowns.
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