
Neuer Aerger für Oettinger

EU Digital Commissioner Oettinger is said to have sat down for a visit to Hungary's Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, with the private jet of atomic lobbies and former Daimler manager Klaus Mangold. The rules stipulate that commissioners must publicly declare gifts valued at more than € 150. Oettinger's flight does not appear on the list.
Corruption Problem: 

EU-Kommissar: Oettinger verteidigt Flug zu Orbán im Privatjet

For a flight to Hungary, Günther Oettinger used the private jet of a Kremlin-based manager. The CDU politician now reproaches allegations that he has violated the ethics rules of the EU Commission.
Corruption Problem: 

Steuerhinterziehung: Europaweiter Schlag gegen Dieselbetrüger

Tax evasion: Authorities have revealed a million-strong fraud with diesel fuel. The gang had sold diesel without taxing it.
Corruption Problem: 

Spain and Hungary tumble in TI?s annual corruption report

Spain and Hungary are both plagued by Nepotism and a lack of transparency, whilst one ray of hope is The EU's problem child, Greece, according to a new report by Transparency International. EurActiv Germany reports.
Corruption Problem: 

Kipécézte az ügyészség a korrupciót feltáró volt NAV-ost

The prosecutor's office's investigation on tax fraud concerning Bunge Zrt-an american cookin oil producer- seems to drift into oblivion. The authorities have only questioned 1 suspect since they had started their investigation in 2014. Meanwhile the procedure against the person- András Horváth former employee of the hungarian tax authorities- who broke out the scandal in the first place is still under scrutiny.
Corruption Problem: 

Felcsút-ügyben a Miniszterelnökséggel nem lehet szórakozni

The Ministry bought a new plan to further improve the surroundings of Felcsut (the place the Prime Minister spent most of his childhood). The plan is to build a new museum on the hillside by the botanical garden. The designer of the museum explained that he chose the location, for its popular botanical garden. The professional circles believe that the designer of the museum is a "troll" and only submitted his application ironically. But he forgot that when it comes to Felcsut the ministry never jokes.
Corruption Problem: 

Lázár: „Az lehet, hogy az érintett üzletember és Habony Árpád között van személyes kapcsolat”

A reservation of a helicopter tour was made under the name of Arpad Habony and his girlfriend by a banker from Hong Kong. Apparently, the name of the banker is well known in the Hungarian public life, as according to Antal Rogan he is the owner of the Hungarian offshore company in the Cayman Islands selling Hungarian Residency Government Bonds.
Corruption Problem: 

Hungary: Records Show Senior Government Official Concealed Assets

A state minister in Hungary, failed to declare some of his properties in his annual wealth declarations and neglected to mention some of the state subsidies he received,
Corruption Problem: 

Megszüntették az eljárást a pécsi egyetemi vesztegetési ügyben

The Tribunal of Győr annulled the action in the case of bribery at the University of Pécs (29 persons were accused of bribery and influencing contracts, allegedly causing 100 million HUF damage) because of the mistakes and incomplete files submitted by the prosecution office.
Corruption Problem: 

Milliókat csalt el ügyfelétől a fővárosi ügyvéd

A lawyer was sentenced to four years in prison for peddling influence and fraud.
Corruption Problem: 


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