Egypt Egypt Joins Global Forum On Transparency

Egypt has joined the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes, the OECD has announced. By joining the Global Forum, Egypt has committed to the implementation of the international standard of exchange of information on request.
Corruption Problem: 

Mubarak en zoons krijgen alsnog celstraf voor corruptie

The Egyptian ex-president Hosni Mubarak and his two sons were sentenced to three years in jail for corruption. The case is a repeat of an earlier process that the Egyptian Supreme Court ordered to be redone. They allegedly embezzled millions of euros that were supposed to be invested in the renovation of the presidential palace.

Biv?i egiptovski minister zaradi korupcije v zapor

Former Ministry of agriculture in Egypt, Salah Helal was found guilty of corruption and charged with ten years of imprisonment.
Corruption Problem: 

Iceland Prime Minister quits over Panama Papers tax haven scandal

The Prime Minister of Iceland has resigned following the Panama Papers leaks

Huge leak reveals elite's tax havens

A huge leak of documents from a Panamanian Law firm has revealed how the firm helped clients launder money, dodge sanctions and evade tax
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