
Reaktionen auf Panama Papers: "Die Banken sind die Schwachstelle"

With the revelations of Panama Papers of the fight against tax fraud reengaged on the political agenda. SPD, Greens and the Left in the EU calling for tighter regulations.
Corruption Problem: 

Austausch zu Firmeninhabern: Europa zieht ein paar Register

After the revelations of Panama Papers the five major EU members want to respond. In so-called transparency registers the true owner of such constructs are to be published. The OECD should develop a standard. However, it is unclear who will get a look insight these registers and under what conditions.
Corruption Problem: 

Tricks der Gro?konzerne: Scharfe Kritik an Steuerpl?nen der EU-Kommission

The European Commission wants to put an end to the tax cheating: large corporations should disclose where they earn how much money. But critics described the plans as despondent.
Corruption Problem: 

Gro?konzerne: So will die EU-Kommission Steuertricks offenlegen

The Panama Papers have sparked the debate about tax havens. The European Commission wants now to force large corporations to more transparency.
Corruption Problem: 

Fördermittelbetrug: EU verliert fast 900 Millionen Euro

Funding fraud: EU loses nearly 900 million euros.
Corruption Problem: 

Dubiose Steuerdeals: Dokumentenschwund bei der EU-Kommission

Throwback in the clearing up of the tax scandal: In the EU Commission apparently a large part of the documents which are considered to be crucial in explaining dubious tax deal got lost.
Corruption Problem: 

Steuertricks von Konzernen: Schäuble gegen alle

Germany slows the EU's efforts in the fight against tax tricks of large corporations. Only Minister of Finance Wolfgang Schaeuble spoke out against an extension of reporting obligations to subsidiaries and defends itself against the publication of such data.

Volkswagen emissions scandal

In fall 2015 it was uncovered that Volkswagen used an illegal defeat device in the motor control of their diesel vehicles to avoid the US emission standards. According to Volkswagen AG this software is in use in eleven million vehicles worldwide.

Euribor Case

Britain's Serious Fraud Office charges traders at major banks of rigging Euribor benchmark interest rates


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