
Former Argentinian President Cristina Kirchner indicted over currency trade that lost billions

The former president of Argentina has been charged and had her financial assets frozen over a currency trade that lost the country billions

Argentiniens Pr?sident und die Briefkastenfirmen: "Panamacri"

Argentina's conservative president Mauricio Macri admits participation in shell companies.
Corruption Problem: 

Berichte ?ber Briefkastenfirma: Messi spricht von "falschen und beleidigenden" Vorw?rfen

Lionel Messi denies allegations of tax evasion and money laundering by help of shell companies.
Corruption Problem: 

Datenleak: Diese M?chtigen tauchen in den Panama Papers auf

The revelations of shell companies in Panama set several incumbent leaders under pressure. They have to explain why their names - or names of close confidants - appear in the documents.

Finanztricks: Auch Messis Name taucht in den Panama-Papieren auf

Even Messi's name appears in the Panama papers. With his father the megastar is said to have operated a mailbox company.
Corruption Problem: 

Steuern - Panama Papers: Ermittlungen gegen Argentiniens Staatschef

The revelations of Panama Papers bring Argentina's president Mauricio Macri in distress. The prosecutor Federico Delgado said on Thursday that he had launched an investigation against the head of state in connection with two offshore companies.

Fifa corruption scandal: US releases three guilty plea transcripts

A US judge released transcripts of guilty please from three defendants in the FIFA corruption scandal investigation

Argentinskou exprezidentku Fernandezovou obvinili z korupce

Former Argentine President Cristina Fernandez Kirchner was formally accused by the prosecution of money laundering.
Corruption Problem: 

Infantino contract among Panama Papers

Leaked documents allegedly link the New FIFA president with businessmen who have since been accused of bribery
Corruption Problem: 


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