Withholding of Public Information

Russian doping: Olympic chiefs to decide on sanctions after McLaren report

Russia should be banned from this summer's Olympics and Paralympics after evidence was found of a four-year, state-sponsored doping programme, says the World Anti-Doping Agency.

Conservatives recieve High Court challenge to hand over election spending information

The British Conservative Party is being taken to court over allegations they failed to disclose information related to its investigation into claims that it breached election spending rules

Serbiją sukrėtė politinės korupcijos skandalas: premjeras slėpė daugiau nei milijono dolerių vertės turtą

Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) revealed that Serbia's Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic had been hiding his real estate property worth over a half-million US dollars.

Ez Magyarországon nem történhetne meg

The Attorny General of Brazil initiated the arrest of leading politicians like former President José Sarney by reason of hindering the investigation of the Petrobras corruption case.

Het Transparantieregister Zorg verhult evenveel als het verduidelijkt

Data form the Healthcare Transparency Register shows that pharmaceutical companies have paid a total of 51,6 million euros to doctors and health authorities. Even though the register provides the possibility to check the connections between health care providers and the industry, there are doubts about the accuracy regarding the extent and amount of sponsorships provided by the pharmaceutical companies. The interests of pharmaceutical companies might have influenced the way the register is set up.

IAAF Scandal

The International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) is being investigating over allegations of widespread doping and blackmail in Athletics

IPCC to investigate Lord Stevens over Stephen Lawrence inquiry allegations

The Independent Police Complaints Commission to launch an investigation into former Scotland Yard commissioner over claims that documents were not passed to the public inquiry into the death of Stephen Lawrence

Lord Stevens to be investigated over 'Stephen Lawrence cover-up'

Former Met commissioner Lord Stevens to be investigated over 'Stephen Lawrence corruption inquiry cover-up'
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