
Whistleblower: US-Geheimdienstausschuss wirft Snowden unlautere Motive vor

US secret service committee accuses Snowden of unfair motives: Edward Snowden is not a whistleblower for the control panel of the US House of Representatives. Rather, he was a frustrated employee.
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Deutsche Athleten von Hacker-Angriff auf WADA betroffen

After Russian hackers had posted confidential documents of the World Anti-Doping Agency two days ago, they have released new data today. 25 athletes are affected.
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Streit um Zeugenvernehmung: Union und SPD werfen Snowden Starrsinn vor

Edward Snowden: The coalition and the opposition have been arguing for a possible interrogation of the Whistleblower in Germany for more than two years. This week they will decide.
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Vreemd, hoe de SBM Offshore-klokkenluider van afpersing verdacht wordt maar zelf van niets weet

Monaco started an investigation against Jonathan Taylor, the whistleblower in the SBM Offshore case, who supposedly tried to extort SBM Offshore. Taylor himself knows nothing about the secret investigations and is surprised SBM Offshore is more involved than he is. He is willing to talk with the Monaco authorities.
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Whistleblower letter backs Lloyds investor claims over HBOS purchase - lawyers

A whistleblower has written to a group of investors suing British bank Lloyds, alleging that senior managers were aware they were over-paying for failing rival HBOS in 2008, lawyers for the investors say in a court document.
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HSBC whistleblower Falciani fails to appear at Swiss trial

Herve Falciani, a former employee of HSBC's (HSBA.L) Swiss private bank who leaked information on clients and their tax situation, failed to appear at his Swiss trial on Monday, forcing it to be rescheduled.

British nuclear submarine whistleblower out of job, says Royal Navy

A whistleblower who alleged that Britain's nuclear-armed submarines have major security flaws has left his post in unspecified circumstances, the Royal Navy said on Wednesday, after an inquiry found no safety breaches had occurred
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Spain opens 'biggest corruption trial'

Thirty-seven people, including leading members of Spain's ruling Popular Party, have gone on trial in Madrid accused of involvement in a massive Corruption network.

Soudní znalec si měl říct o úplatek za zpracování účelového posudku

The expert witness with his son in the field of electrical engineering had demand bribes from businessman for processing purpose assessment in the amount of two hundred thousand crowns. The men demanded a bribe from a hotelier from Janské Lázně. Hotelier all reported to Police, that arrested the men in taking bribe. Both men could get five-year sentence for the offense of accepting a bribe.
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Soudní znalec si měl říct o úplatek za zpracování účelového posudku

The expert witness with his son in the field of electrical engineering had demand bribes from businessman for processing purpose assessment in the amount of two hundred thousand crowns. The men demanded a bribe from a hotelier from Janské Lázně. Hotelier all reported to Police, that arrested the men in taking bribe. Both men could get five-year sentence for the offense of accepting a bribe.
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