
Galutinis sprendimas: per Seimo rinkimus kalinių balsų nenupirko

The Supreme Court of Lithuania has cleared the charges in the vote buying case. The prosecutors contended that there allegedly was an intent to buy votes of numerous prison inmates in favour of Darbo party (Labour party) during the 2012 Parliament elections.

„Baltosios pirštinės“ׅ: per pastarąsias 2 dienas – apie 40 pranešimų apie rinkimų pažeidimus

Civil Society activists in Lithuania reported around 40 cases of possible election fraud during the two-days of early voting in the second round of Lithuanian Parliament election.

Rinkimai Trakuose ir Širvintose: kreipėsi į policiją dėl neblaivių asmenų, galimo papirkinėjimo

During repeated municipality elections in Trakai and Širvintos municipalities the police has received 31 notices on alleged breaches which consist mainly of vote buying and prohibited substance usage.

VRK oficialiai patvirtino Seimo rinkimų rezultatus

Chief Electoral Commission confirmed the results of the first and the second round of the Parliament elections. However, member of the party „Tvarka ir teisingumas“ Kęstas Komskis has been denied the mandate on the basis of alleged vote buying.

Teisėsauga atlieka dar kelis tyrimus dėl galimo poveikio rinkėjams „tvarkiečių“ kandidato naudai

Lithuania's Law enforcement institutions began several investigations on possible election fraud in Silute region constituency. The members of the political party "Tvarka ir teisingumas" are suspected of vote buying and related illegal actions during the first round of parliamentary election held on 9 October.

VRK tvirtina pirmojo rinkimų turo rezultatus: Šilutėje antrasis turas vyks

Despite the ongoing investigation on possible parliamentary election fraud in Lithuania Silute single-member constituency, Chief Electoral Commission allowed to organize the second election round.

Rio Olympics hit again as fraud charges levelled against construction consortium

Casting a new pall over the summer Olympics, federal authorities in Brazil have raided the offices of a construction consortium contracted to build one of the main competition facilities in Rio De Janeiro amidst charges that it skimmed off millions of dollars in a new Corruption investigation.
Corruption Problem: 

Venezuela: Oberster Gerichtshof legt Parlamentsarbeit lahm

Venezuela: The dispute between the opposition and President Nicolás Maduro intensified. The Supreme Court declared all decisions of Parliament invalid. The Socialists accuse the opposition to have won three mandates by vote buying.

Trakų savivaldos rinkimų byloje – 16 įtariamųjų

16 suspected in vote buying case during Trakai municipality elections. At least 6 members of Lithuanian Liberty union (liberals) party have tried to buy votes. Central Electoral Commission has declared the breaches of elections in Trakai municipality of large scale and has cancelled the results. New elections took place in June.


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