Peddling influence

British MPs accuse Theresa May of turning 'blind eye to President Putin's kleptocrats'

British politicians accuse Theresa May of turning a "blind eye to President Putin's kleptocrats". A parliamentary committee has accused the government of empty rhetoric after the poisoning of former Russian spy Sergei Skripal.

Dosarul Rompetrol 2. Patru foști miniștri pot fi urmăriți penal

oThe Romanian President, Klaus Iohannis, approved the requests for prosecution of former Minister of Justice Tanasescu Nicolae Mihai, former Minister of Finance Popescu Ioan Dan, former Minister of Trade Vladescu Teodor Gheorghe Sebastian and former Minister of Finance Pogea Gheorghe.

Bogdan Olteanu, plasat în arest la domiciliu pentru 30 de zile în dosarul în care este anchetat şi Sorin Ovidiu Vîntu

Bogdan Olteanu, the Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Romania(BNR) was placed under house arrest, following the accusation of influence peddling.
Corruption Problem: 

Buvusį K.Komskio padėjėją už prekybą poveikiu siūloma nuteisti lygtine bausme

Prosecutors request suspended 4 year sentence for Gediminas Miliauskas, former assistant to Deputy Speaker of the Seimas (Lithuanian Parliament) Kęstas Komskis for alleged peddling of influence . He allegedly received a bribe for influencing decision of The Directorate General of State Forests related to employment.

V. Gapšiui - įtarimai prekyba poveikiu ir kyšininkavimu įtarimai - dėl 25 tūkst. eurų

Ex member of Parliament Vytautas Gapšys is officialy suspected of peddling influence and receiving a bribe amounting to 25 000 Eur for decisions which would favour business concern "MG Baltic"

VRK svarstys E. Masiulio prašymą panaikinti jo Seimo nario mandatą

Central Electoral Commission will consider the request of Eligijus Masiulis to suspend his mandate in the Lithuanian Parliament, since he has been suspected of taking a bribe. He has already stepped down from Liberal Movement party leader position.

Teismas leido 20 dienų suimti „MG Baltic“ viceprezidentą R. Kurlianskį dar atnaujinta

Vilnius district court has allowed the arrest of Raimondas Kurlianskis, vice-president of „MG Baltic“ group, who is suspected of graft and bribery of an intermediary, for 20 days. The prosecutors had asked arrest of 2 months

VRM prad?jo tarnybin? patikrinim? d?l FNTT pareig?n? veiksm?

Ministry of Interior to investigate Financial Crime Investigation Service - why a big case of fraud has been terminated back in 2014 and if the officers have not been influenced by other persons

STT atsisak? prad?ti ikiteismin? tyrim? d?l si?lymo E. Dambrauskienei ?i?sipirkti? post?

The Special Investigation Service of Lithuania not to start investigation of alleged suggestions for a judge Edita Dambrauskiene, ex nominee to General Prosecutor, to buy her appointment of General Prosecutor

? korupcines ?iauli? ligonin?s schemas buvo ?traukta ir vaistin? (Kriminalai)

Corruption scheme in the Hospital of Šiauliai, pharmacy has been also allegedly involved. The director is suspected of trafficking influence


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