Money Laundering

File-sharing 'mastermind' charged

US authorities have charged a Ukrainian man alleged to be the mastermind of the world's biggest online piracy website. Artem Vaulin, who is said to be the owner of the file-sharing site Kickass Torrents (KAT), is accused of Money Laundering and infringing copyright.
Corruption Problem: 

Amtsenthebung von Dilma Rousseff: Eine historische Ungerechtigkeit

Analysis of the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff: She was a weak but honest president of Brazil and was chased out of her office by a mostly corrupt and incompetent political class reform.

5000 Euro: Bundesregierung erw?gt Obergrenze f?r Barzahlungen

Germany: Federal government is considering 5000€ limit on cash payments. They want to fight money laundering and terror.
Corruption Problem: 

HSBC avoided US money laundering charges because of 'market risk' fears

US officials refused to prosecute HSBC for Money Laundering in 2012 because of concerns within the Department of Justice that it would cause a "global financial disaster", a report says.
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Schweizer Bank: Belgien wirft UBS Steuerhinterziehung und Geldwaesche vor

The Belgian courts investigates against the Swiss bank UBS for serious and organized tax evasion and money laundering.

Drohende ?berschuldung: Finanzaufsicht schlie?t Bank in Frankfurt

Federal Financial Supervisory Authority closes the German subsidiary of the Canadian Maple Bank because of threatened insolvency. Last September, there had been searches in connection with allegations of large-scale tax evasion and money laundering.

Rätselhafte Venedig-Reise: Unister-Gesellschafter spricht von möglicher Geldwäsche

In connection with the Venice journey of fatally injured Unister founder Thomas Wagner co-partner Daniel Kirchhof suspected criminal acts like disloyalty and money laundery.
Corruption Problem: 

Șefii CFR Cluj, Paszkany și Mureșan, urmăriți penal de DIICOT sub control judiciar

DIICOT Prosecutors from Cluj started a prosecution case against Arpad Paszkany, major shareholder at the CFR 197 Cluj Club and Iuliu Muresan, the president of the club, for creating an organized crime group, embezzlement, tax evasion and money laundering.
Corruption Problem: 

Un important patron din turism, audiat de Poliţia Capitalei

Mohammad Murad, one of the most well-known hotel chain managers in Romania gave a legal hearing in a tax evasion and money laundering case. He stands as a witness due to allegations that he had purchased construction materials from ghost companies.
Corruption Problem: 


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