Misuse of Public Position

Justizressort: Brandenburger Minister st?rzt ?ber sechs Jahre alte Dienstwagenaff?re

Brandenburg Minister resigns. Helmuth Markov is accused of having unlawfully used a official car in his time as finance minister in summer 2010.
Corruption Problem: 

Betrugsvorwürfe: Trump zweifelt Neutralität muslimischer Richter an

Fraud allegations against Trump: Donald Trump mistrusts neutrality of Islamic judges after he accused a judge of Mexican descent to be biased against him.
Corruption Problem: 

UPDATE Nicuşor Constantinescu, săltat de jandarmi din spital, a fost arestat

Former president of County Council Constanta, Nicuşor Constantinescu, was arrested for 30 days, at DNA request, in a case regarding the Area Military Center. Constantinescu is put on trial for misuse of public position.
Corruption Problem: 

Procurorii DNA cer arestarea preventivă a trei directori de la Complexul Energetic Oltenia pentru abuz în serviciu

DNA prosecutors advanced Thursday to Dolj Court the proposing of preventive detention for three executives from Oltenia Energy Complex, prosecuted in a case of misuse of public position.

Constanța: Nicușor Constantinescu a fost arestat preventiv

Constanta Court of Appeal upheld Friday night the DNA request, establishing the measure of preventive custody for a period of 30 days to Nicuşor Constantinescu, suspended president of the County Council.

STT E. Masiulį ir R. Kurlianskį sekė net 7 mėnesius: pinigus perdavė prie Seimo

Eligijus Masiulis, the now-former leader of Liberal Movement and Raomondas Kurlianskis, vice-president of company holding "MG Baltic" (both suspected of large-scale bribery and graft respectively) were under surveillance of Lithuania's Special Investigation Service (STT) for 7 months.

Meer dan 100 duizend Chinese ambtenaren op vingers getikt

Since 2012 more than 100.000 Chinese officials have been reprimanded for the infringement of the sobriety rules set up by the government. This policy was introduced by the Chinese government to tackle the widespread corruption in China.

Andoljšku pogojna in nižja denarna kazen

On re-trial of Žiga Andoljšek due to charges of misuse of public position, the court ruled for one year prison sentence.
Corruption Problem: 

DNA cere urmărirea penală pentru Titus Corlățean în dosarul votului din diaspora

National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) requested the notification of the Senat to approve a criminal investigation of Senator Titus Corlatean, former minister of foreign affairs, in a case of ballots abroad.
Corruption Problem: 


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