Misuse of Public Position

Protestbewegung in Italien: Der Eroberer wird ausgeschlossen

Five weeks before the council elections in Italy threatens Federico Pizzarottis the expulsion from his party. He had hold back the information that there is a criminal investigation against him for misuse of public position.

STT ėmėsi R. Mikaičio ir G. Steponavičiaus

Lithuania's Special Investigation Service conducted search at the premises of Liberal party members Rimantas Mikaitis and Gintaras Steponavičius (his charity foundation). Search has been carried out in relation to the ongoing investigation regarding political corruption scandal that involes several top Liberal party members and the company holding "MG Baltic".

“Köztisztviselő vagyok, nem kutya” – interjú a VII. kerületi bérlakásbiznisz miatt kirúgott jogásszal

Public officer who reported suspicious real estate transactions, got fired from The Municipality of Budapest.

Lemondott a korrupció elleni harcért felelős brazil miniszter

Brazilian Minister of Transparency Fabiano Silveira resigns after leaked records proved that he has given legal advices to politicians under investigation and has tried to help them with insider information.

Red Bull abgezweigt: Amtsmissbrauch

Austrians Supreme Court confirmed two convictions of misuse of public position. In the first case a vice lieutenant of the army had bought energy drinks for 2700 Euro to sell them and kept the money. The second case a public official took extra money in traffic checks.

Vádat emeltek egy volt NAV-vezető ellen

A lawyer and a former leading officer of the National Tax and Customs Administration are accused with abuse of power and misuse of public positions.

Feljelentést tettek a 3-as metró ügyében

Opposition party DK filed charges against unknown perpetrators because they believe that the Budapest Transport Privately Held Corporation (BKV) violated its public procurement tenders and instead of refurbishing subway cars new ones were bought.
Corruption Problem: 

VTEK vėl nagrinės Druskininkų mero R. Malinausko interesus

Lithuania's Chief Official Ethics Commission began an investigation on the mayor of Druskininkai city, Ričardas Malinauskas. The mayor allegedly got involved into the conflict of interest while participating in legal procedures of the city council which had resulted in a positive outcome favourable to the mayor with regard to his real estate property in Druskininkai.

Byloje dėl galimų aferų LKF – netikėtas posūkis: prokurorė neturėjo kito pasirinkimo

Court opens a case of ex-president of Lithuanian Basketball Federation Mindaugas Balčiūnas who is accused for misuse of power, embezzlement, fraud and false documentation in relation to financing of 2011 European Basketball Championship. Lithuanian Basketball Federation is also involved in the investigation

Sostinės savivaldybės Antikorupcijos komisija dėl „Hilton“ statybų kreipsis į STT

The Anti-Corruption Commission of Vilnius City Council is to address the Special Investigation Service in order to investigate "Hilton" Hotel construction agreement details in Lithuania's capital. It is suspected that the director of Energy and Technology Museum in Vilnius had been held under pressure to sign the agreement under which part of its land in the city center is given to the hotel.


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