Misuse of Public Position

„Lietuvos geležinkelių“ direktoriaus pavaduotojas S.Gudvalis – įtariamasis STT tyrime

Lithuania's Special Investigation Service brought charges on the deputy-director of "Lietuvos geležinkeliai" (Lithuanian Railways) company Stasys Gudvalis. S. Gudvalis in under charges of misuse of public position, and possible corruption in large-scale public procurement procedures in railway construction and maintenance.

Austrumu slimnīcā ierodas KNAB darbinieki

Employees of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) have been at Riga Eastern Clinical Hospital of University to meet the chief doctor Viesturs Krūmiņš of the Oncology Centre of Latvia. KNAB has information and reasonable suspicion about Minister of Health Guntis Belēvičš that he possibly received medical services at the hospital by bypassing the queue.
Corruption Problem: 

V. Matuzo žmoną teismas pripažino kalta klastojus dokumentus

Kaunas city Court in Lithuania found Danutė Matuzaitė, a wife of Parliamentary member Vitas Matuzas, guilty of trying to illegally get subsidy for a private company, and found her guilty of fraud and false documentation.

Nekā personīga: IUB sācis pārbaudi par aizdomīgu Jūrmalas domes pasūtījumu

Procurement Monitoring Bureau (IUB) has started examining suspicious procurment of Jūrmala City Council. The council had announced a street maintanance competition of three million euros. However, during the evaluation of the competition a representative of the Green Farmers Union (ZZS) won but the pretender company "A.C.B." with the best offered price was unexpectedly excluded.

KNAB vērtē, vai Belēvičs ļaunprātīgi izmantojis dienesta stāvokli

Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) has started an investigation about the action of resigned Minister of Health Guntis Belēvičs in receiving a service outside the queue in Oncology Center of Latvia and if it could be considered as an offence related to criminal liability.
Corruption Problem: 

Latgales reģiona policistu aiztur aizdomās par 1500 eiro kukuļa pieprasīšanu

Internal Security Bureau (IDB) has detained the State police inspector of compartment administration of Latgale District who has been suspected of demanding a bribe of 1500 euros. IDB has a suspicion that the bribe has been demanded to influence the outcome of the application. Office has initiated criminal proceedings and the suspected person has been arrested.

Kratīšana veikta arī Rīgas domes Satiksmes departamentā; informācijas par aizturētajiem nav

Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) has carried out an investigation at the Transport Department of Riga City Council. Representatives of the departement has no right to comment or give an information to media about any of occured proceedings.

Kriminālprocesā par RD Satiksmes departamenta iepirkumu aizturēts Broža

On June 16th the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) hold Head of Construction Management Department Uģis Brožs regarding the criminal proceeding of Riga City Council Traffic Departement procurement in construction sector. He has been suspected for giving bribe and related to the initially started criminal proceeding in Lithuania in which Lithuanian official and Latvian entrepreneur have been involved. This criminal proceeding is related to misuse of public position, giving and taking bribes and forgery of an official.

Septiņi gadi un 19 apsūdzētie: 'digitālgeitā' pasludina spriedumu (video tiešraide)

Twelve persons out of nineteen have been found guilty in digital television criminal case after the decision of Riga Regional Court judge who began to revise the case on the 28th of August 2008. Seven of them have been sentenced with imprisonment and six fined. The digital television criminal case was related to the Digital Radio and Television Center of Latvia (DLRTC) and Kempmayer Media Limited daughter' s firm Kempmayer Media Latvia agreement which prevented a number of stages for the implementation of digital television and delivery of different specific hardware for digital broadcasting. The total costs of the project were estimated in many tens of millions of lats. The criminal case was investigated and prosecuted by the Criminal Law Article 317 of exceeding the official authority, by Article 319 of public officials inaction, Article 177 of fraud and Article 195 of the laundering of criminal money. In this criminal case by the Criminal Law Article 177 of fraud in large scale accused and sentenced with inprisonment of three years Harijs Krongorns worked at former's Prime Minister's Andris Šķēle family firm "Company guidance and consulting" as financial consultant. Also, the former chief Jurģis Liepnieks of Bureau of Andris Šķēle was adjudged guilty with 72 000 euros fine of involvement in fraud of a large scale and money laundering. Former General director of Digital Radio and Television Centre of Latvia Guntars Spunde was sentenced with one year in prison and fined of 28 800 euros. The Court found guilty the former chairperson of the board of "The Independent Television of Latvia" Andrejs Ēķis in participation of a large-scale fraud and fined him with 43 200 euros.The final penalty of two years in prison and fine of 36 000 euros was also set to the lawyer Jānis Loze for the involvement in the large-scale fraud and money laundering. Tax consultant Uldis Kokins was also sentenced about the same infringememnts with inprisonment of two years and fine of 18 000 euros. Former "Kempmayer Media Latvia" board members Andrejs Zabeckis, Jānis Zips and Jānis Svārpstons were also sentenced with inprisonment and fined in large-scale fraud and money laundering and also in exceeding official authority based on previous agreement. The former public trustee Adrians Boldans of Radio and Television Centre of the State of Latvia (LVRTC) was fined with 18 000 euros - he was found guilty of public officials inactivity in cases where a public official has been mencenary intentions. Also for the same infringements other former public trustees of LVRTC Didzis Jonovs and Ojārs Rubenis were fined of 18 000 euros. Former Chairman of the Board of LVRTC Māris Pauders, who previously had got mentally ill, exempted from criminal liability. The Regional Court of Riga justified two former board members of DLRTC Jānis Plūme and Alfrēds Janevics and a person related to politician Vilis Krištopāns - a former employee of his firm Gints Bandēns. Former board member of "Kempmayer Media Latvia" Juris Ulmanis and lawyer Mārtiņš Kvēps were also justified.

KNAB investigations on LNK Industries

In June 2016 the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) of Latvia together with the Special Investigation Service of Lithuania (STT) arrested and later released the "Latvijas Tilti" Chairman of the Board Mr. Genadijs Kamkalovs and several employees of "LNK Industries". The arrested persons were suspected of bribery and misuse of public position.


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