Misuse of Public Position

Etikos sargai ? nemokamas politik? maudynes Druskininkuose pa?i?r?jo atlaid?iai

Chief Official Ethics Commission of Lithuania has decided not to start an investigation of accomodation of politicians and inviting them to use Druskininkai Aqua park for free due to the lack of evidence

Pēc mediķu pieķeršanas ilgstošā korupcijā Austrumu slimnīca aiztaisa robu savā reģistrācijas sistēmā

The gap which allowed to use the system dishonestly is solved after a number of infringements caught in the long lasting corruption in the Riga Eastern Hospital (Austrumu Slimnīca).

Par iespējamiem pārkāpumiem sāk disciplinārlietas pret tiesu izpildītāju

The Disciplinary Commission of the Ministry of Justice will examine two disciplinary proceedings against the bailiff Kaspars Seleckis - one about ethical violations, and the other - on possible infringements of regulations. The bailiff accepted cases and carried out enforcement actions for the real estate company with whom he had shared the same premises. The events of the case are related to one particular property in Jūrmala, where the real estate firm is trying to get rid of tenant, who is considered as fictitious. At the same time the firm is also trying to get parts of the joint ownership for a small money that it does not own yet.

Par naudas izkrāpšanu aizdomās turētā Saldus bāriņtiesas vadītāja strādā citā bāriņtiesā

The former chairwoman of Saldus Orphan' s Court Antra Rutka now works at Brocēni Orphan' s Court and is Deputy Chairwoman of the court. Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) recently requested to start the prosecution against her regarding fraud.

Bijusī Stradiņa slimnīcas vadītāja Valtere neatzīst savu vainu krimināllietā

The former chairman of the board of Pauls Stradiņš Clinical Hospital of University Rūta Valtere previously accused in the criminal case did not admit her guilt. In 2013 the Criminal Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) started investigation and in 2014 requested to Prosecutor' s Office to start the prosecution that declared a misuse of pubilc position if it has been related to marchenary purposes, fraud.
Corruption Problem: 

KNAB rosina sākt kriminālvajāšanu pret Saldus novada bāriņtiesas amatpersonām

Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) has sent a material of a criminal case to Prosecutor's Office of Saldus District encouraging to initiate criminal proceedings against officials of Saldus Orphan's court about illegal acquisition of financial resources in defrauding them from the budget of municipality.

Kyšininkavimo skandalas plečiasi: STT kratė darbiečių lyderį

Searches by Special Investigation Service in relation with MG Baltic scandal have been conducted in the workplace of Member of Parlament Vytautas Gapšys, which is in Lithuanian Parlament, and also in his home. He is suspected to have been allegedly bribed by Raimundas Kurlianskis in order to influence members of his party (Labour party) to act in favour of MG Baltic interests. Also searches have been performed in several companies belonging to the MG Baltic and their executives homes.

Prokuratūra cēlusi apsūdzības par korupciju Rīgas Austrumu klīniskās universitātes slimnīcā

Prosecutor's Office of Riga City Vidzeme District has decided to prosecute and held criminally liable seven employees form medical staff of VSIA Riga Eastern Clinical Hospital of University. The Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) has an evidence which proves that during the time period from October 2013 to April 2015 the medical staff in use of their position has systematically demanded material values and accepted them in exchange for assurance of magnetic resonance imaging quality in interests of the patient bypassing the queue. This infringement has violated the rights of patients who were standing in the queue timely to receive state-funded health care services.

D.Gineikaitės įklampintus Kauno medikus narsto ir ministerija (Aktualijos)

Ministry of Health has started the investigation in the Kaunas Clinical Hospital, which was involved in the hiding of the fact of the intoxication of now ex-director of the National Land Service Daiva Gineikaite

Kauno vald?ia privilegijavo kapini? prie?i?ros ?mon?

Lithuania's Competition Council ruled that Kaunas city minicipality illegally favoured one company to provide maintenance services for numerous cemeteries and funeral service providers.


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