Misuse of Public Position

No darba aizgājis viens rotācijai pakļautais VID darbinieks

Most of 39 employees subjected to the staff rotation have already been transfered to other positions to reduce corruption risks at the State Revenue Service (VID). Just one of them has resigned when receiving the new position.
Corruption Problem: 

Lietā par naudas atmazgāšanu Belokoņam piederošajā bankā notikusi kratīšana

There has been a performed raid by the Economic Police involving special forces "Omega" in the "Baltic International Bank" in Riga, Old Town. The bank is owned by Valērijs Belkoņs. Investigators confirmed that the raid has been carried out regarding criminal proceedings of money laundering in a group.

Kukuļošanas lietā aizdomās turētajam Feierābendam aizliedz ieņemt konkrētu amatu Valsts policijā

Internal Security Bureau (IDB) has conformed three security measures unconnected with the imprisonment to the suspected Chief Deputy of General Order Police Department of State Police Arvils Feierābendams. He is conformed for maintaining a certain place of residence, prohibition to contact with persons related to the case and prohibition to take a position in Central Public Order Police Department of Coordination and Control Board.
Corruption Problem: 

KNAB lūdz apsūdzēt Jūrmalas būvinspektoru par 150 eiro kukuļa pieņemšanu

The Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) has asked the Prosecutor's Office to start criminal proceedings against the building inspector of City Planning Department of Jurmala City Council for demanding and accepting a bribe. The investigation has shown that the public official has demanded 200 euros and accepted 150 euros bribes for acceptation of a new building in operation.

Latvijas tilti neslēgs līgumu par Klaipēdas piestātnes rekonstrukciju

AS "Latvian Bridges" will not prolong the offer of pier reconstruction of Klaipeda (Lithuania). Results of the procurement have been challenged in Klaipeda District Court. One of the participator of the competition complained that this offer of AS "Latvian Bridges" has excessively low price.
Corruption Problem: 

Kukuļņemšanā pieķertajam VID inspektoram piemēro ar cietumu nesaistītu drošības līdzekli

The former tax inspector Aigars Kupčus has not been adjusted with the security measure of imprisonment. It has been reported, that two tax inspectors Zigurds Brinķis and Aigars Kupčus had been to the meat shop of the farm and had requested a bribe using various hints. They had demanded a bribe from the co-owner of the farm "Dimzas" Lidija Sildare.
Corruption Problem: 

Pieci no septiņiem korupcijā aizdomās turētajiem mediķiem joprojām strādā Austrumu slimnīcā

Five of seven medics suspected for corruption still work at the East Hospital. Two medics resigned by their own but the other five continue to work at the hospital till the court's ruling.

KNAB par ilgstošu korupciju rosina apsūdzēt septiņus 'Gaiļezera' un onkoloģijas centra mediķus

Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) has requested to start criminal proceedings against seven employees of medical staff of Riga Eastern Clinical Hospital of University for taking and demanding unlawful benefits from patients.

Ekskluzīvo automašīnu kontrabandas shēma: CSDD noliedz darbinieku līdzdalību

It has been reported that the State Revenue Service Customs Police has revealed an ambitious fraud scheme of luxury cars. The Road Traffic and Safety Directorate (CSDD) denies involvement of its employees in this fraud.
Corruption Problem: 

Korupcijā apsūdzētam mediķim piespriež 5400 eiro naudas sodu

The neurosurgeon Uģis Spinga has been sentenced with the penalty of 5 400 euros - with the amount of salaries of 15 months - about unlawfully requesting and accepting material values. The Court of Riga City Vidzeme District also deprived the right to practice medicine for a one year. Spinga does not recognize himself guilty in those crimes, the case will continue.


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