Misuse of Public Position

La oposición acusa al PNV de estar tras la trama de corrupción

The Basque parties have accused on Wednesday to the PNV from being behind of the largest alleged corruption case discovered in Euskadi with the so-called case De Miguel, a process that will plan for the upcoming municipal elections since the trial will probably not be held before the end of the year.

Imputado el exalcalde de Los Santos por 1,8 millones de deuda

After a hole detected 1.8 million euros in the accounts of Los Santos de la Humosa a judge in Alcalá de Henares has been charged with an alleged crime of trespass administrative Francisco Javier Lopez, the former mayor of the Popular Party, Juan Ramon Solis, the former auditor, and Miguel Angel Olmo, current councilman and spokesman of the party Union del Pueblo Santero (UPS).
Corruption Problem: 

El Supremo cita al presidente de Melilla como imputado

The president of Melilla, Juan Jose Imbroda , will need to come to testify as a defendant in front of the Supreme Court next 11th March. The court has set a date for that day for the president of the autonomous city and the PP senator in the procedure that opened last month of February to investigate whether he committed perversion of justice when he hired an external lawyer hitchhiking paying him with public funds.

Confirmada la pena a Matas por un soborno para dar trabajo a su mujer

The Supreme Court has confirmed the condemnation of the Balearic president Jaume Matas, from the PP, for getting a hotel in Mallorca to pay 3,000 euros per month to his wife for a year by doing nothing, by a simulated contract .
Corruption Problem: 

El PSdeG pide a Rueda que expliquela “corrupción” de la policía gallega

PSdeG has requested the hearing in Parliament of the vice president of the regional government and head of the regional police, Alfonso Rueda, to explain the "criminal behavior" that in the opinion of the deputies Marisol Soneira and Beatriz Sestayo is being produced in that body by certain commands.
Corruption Problem: 

El PP inicia la expulsión de ‘La Perla’

The Popular Party was tired of Milagrosa Martinez, whom the plot of Correa designated her as La Perla, and is alleged to three offenses and to 11 years of Prison in the Fitur part of the Gurtel case.
Corruption Problem: 

El juez cita a una concejal por el Plan Rabassa e investiga pagarés

Judge Juan Carlos Ceron, who instructs the case on the Rabassa Plan has ordered the police to investigate "all aspects" about promissory notes reaching six million of euros that one of the accused, the municipal technician Isabel Campos, has admitted having given the businessman Enrique Ortiz. In addition, the judge cited three new witnesses, including the PP councilor in the Alicante town hall Sonia Joy.

Glamorous former Romanian presidential candidate is charged with accepting bribes and abuse of power by anti-corruption police 

Former Romanian presidential candidate accused of abuse of power and accepting bribes worth an estimated £1.3million


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