Misuse of Public Position

British MPs accuse Theresa May of turning 'blind eye to President Putin's kleptocrats'

British politicians accuse Theresa May of turning a "blind eye to President Putin's kleptocrats". A parliamentary committee has accused the government of empty rhetoric after the poisoning of former Russian spy Sergei Skripal.

Preşedintele suspendat al CJ Braşov, Aristotel Căncescu, judecat pentru corupţie, plasat în arest la domiciliu

The suspended president of Brașov County Council, Aristotel Căncescu, judged for corruption actions like abuse of office, bribery, money laundering in form continued, influence peddling and incitement to attempted abuse of office, has been placed at house arrest.

Dosarul Rompetrol 2. Patru foști miniștri pot fi urmăriți penal

oThe Romanian President, Klaus Iohannis, approved the requests for prosecution of former Minister of Justice Tanasescu Nicolae Mihai, former Minister of Finance Popescu Ioan Dan, former Minister of Trade Vladescu Teodor Gheorghe Sebastian and former Minister of Finance Pogea Gheorghe.

DNA cere urmărirea penală a ministrului de Interne, Petre Tobă. Demnitarul şi-a dat demisia

Petre Tobă, the minister of intern affairs reigned after the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) prosecutors allegated him of refusing to declassify some important official documents about the expanditure of operative funds of the Department of Intelligence and Internal Protection.

„Baltosios pirštinės“ׅ: per pastarąsias 2 dienas – apie 40 pranešimų apie rinkimų pažeidimus

Civil Society activists in Lithuania reported around 40 cases of possible election fraud during the two-days of early voting in the second round of Lithuanian Parliament election.

Korupcija įtariamiems Šiaulių ligoninės vadovams skirti užstatai, daugėja įtariamųjų

High profile officials of Šiauliai county hospital are suspected of corruption including counts on abuse of office and bribery. Court has ordered a sworn statement not to leave and to pay bail as procedural measures

VRM pradėjo tyrimą dėl protegavimo VST

Lithuanian Ministry of the Interior began an internal investigation on possible favouritism in Public Security Office. Some Office employees allegedly misused their public position when appointing friends or relatives in several positions.

Teismas: Radviliškio meras A. Čepononis negali eiti tarybos nario pareigų

Court has suspended Antanas Čepononis from his duties as Radviliškis district municipality council member, due to ongoing process of his case related to corruption.

Nušalintas Radviliškio rajono meras A. Čepononis

Antanas Čepononis has been suspended from his duties as Radviliškis district mayor, as his case over abuse of power and forgery is heard in court

Teismas paliko galioti išteisinamąjį nuosprendį V. Matuzui ir A. Romanovskiui

Lithuanian Court of Appeals ruled that the former MP Vitas Matuzas and lobbyist Andrius Romanovskis were cleared of all charges. Both had been accused for using a charity fund for receiving financial contributions from business in return to favourable decision-making in the Parliament.


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