Misuse of Insider information

Korrupci?val v?dolj?k a mag?nnyomoz? f?rend?rt

A police lieutenant-colonel and four officers are charged with corruption by the Budapest Prosecutor's Office. The lieutenant-general allegedly sold insider information to lawyers and their clients.
Corruption Problem: 

Na kit vett most őrizetbe a romániai korrupcióellenes ügyészség?

Inspector general of the anti-corruption department of County Prahova's Police Constantin Ispas and two other officers were arrested with the charges of bribery, trafficking influence, misuse of insider information, abuse of power and money laundering.

Volkswagen emissions scandal

In fall 2015 it was uncovered that Volkswagen used an illegal defeat device in the motor control of their diesel vehicles to avoid the US emission standards. According to Volkswagen AG this software is in use in eleven million vehicles worldwide.

Lemondott a korrupció elleni harcért felelős brazil miniszter

Brazilian Minister of Transparency Fabiano Silveira resigns after leaked records proved that he has given legal advices to politicians under investigation and has tried to help them with insider information.

Gyanús buszcserék Pécsett

The local authorities of Pécs bought buses for a higher price (+700 million forints through an intermediary named Tüke Busz Ltd.

Az azeri bankrendszer 1 milliárd dollárt bukott, az elnök családja viszont 64 millió dollárt keresett a valuta leértékelésével

The currency of Azerbaijan lost a great part of its value last year. The loss of the central bank was about one billion dollars, but the president Ilham Aliyev and his family gained 64 million dollars. It is possible that he was aware of the coming events, and he was able to do the necessary measures to defend his financial interests.

Trei directori ai Regiei Autonome pentru Activităţi Nucleare, reţinuţi de DIICOT

DIICOT prosecutors detained three executives investigated in the case aiming the embezzlement of Autonomous Administration for Nuclear Activities. The three executives are alleged of abuse of power.

Biju?ajam finan?u policistam P?l?gam par kuku??em?anu piesprie? cietumsodu

Riga District Court imposed three years and six months imprisonment and EUR 1600 penalty for Mr. Alvis Pilags who is an investigator at the Internal Security Division of the State Revenue Service's Finance Police Department. He was accused of taking bribes, misuse of public position, supporting tax evasion and disclosure of confidential information. Criminal proceedings were started by the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau at 2008.

Judec?toarea acuzat? c? a luat mit? pentru o solu?ie de achitare ?n dosarul Transferurilor, trimis? ?n judecat?. La fel ?i fra?ii Becali, dar ?i Cristi Borcea

Geanina Terceanu, the judge accused of taking bribes for a payment solution in a case named "the Transfers" case, was sent to court by the National Anti-corruption Directorate prosecutors.


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