Mismanagement of Public Funds

Korupcijos vėžys rijo ir kovotojus su vėžiu (Aktualijos)

Lithuanian National Cancer Institute is suspected of having transfered significant subsidy amounts to several companies, linked to the son of the director of the institute, and its Head of Economy Department.

„Auksinių šaukštų“ pardavėjai nesustoja: jau prakišo ir kitų auksinių prekių

Lithuanian company "Nota Bene" which had been black-listed after the scandal targeting overpriced deals with the Lithuanian Military and the Ministry of Defence, continues winning the bids in several large public tenders.

Korruptionsskandal: Tausende fordern Rücktritt von Malaysias Regierungschef

Corruption scandal in Malaysia: Tens of thousands are demonstrating against Prime Minister Najib Razak. In the scandal of disappeared public money is also actor Leonardo DiCaprio involved.

VW may have used EU funds illegally

The European commission's anti-Corruption division has opened proceedings against Volkswagen. The company could have used EU funding for illegal research

Alan Kelly faces ?serious questions? over meeting with company that won state tender

MINISTER FOR THE Environment Alan Kelly has serious questions to answer; over his meeting last December with a company that was subsequently the most successful bidder in a state tender.

Malaysia 1MDB investigation: US seeks to seize $1bn in assets

The US Department of Justice has moved to seize more than $1bn (£761m) from Malaysia's state fund 1MDB. The department alleges the funds were "misappropriated" and though it did not name Prime Minister Najib Razak directly, he is identifiable in the suit as someone whose account allegedly received huge sums. He has in the past denied wrongdoing.

Judge rules false expenses claims are 'matter for Parliament'

A former Conservative peer has been acquitted of submitting false expenses claims. Lord Hanningfield was charged with submitting claims for £3,300 in 2013 for attendance at the House of Lords. The prosecution at London's Southwark Crown Court failed to offer any evidence.

Terremoto: Scuole, chiese, musei: ecco gli appalti dove la Finanza acceso riflettori

Central Italy earthquake: this is the list of buildings that the GdF Special Unit for the anti-corruption has prepared and sent to National Anti-Corruption Authority (ANAC), led by Raffaele Cantone.


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