Gift Giving

EU-Kommissar: Oettinger verteidigt Flug zu Orbán im Privatjet

For a flight to Hungary, Günther Oettinger used the private jet of a Kremlin-based manager. The CDU politician now reproaches allegations that he has violated the ethics rules of the EU Commission.
Corruption Problem: 

Korruptionsaffäre bei ThyssenKrupp: Manager Wegmann räumt Fehler ein

Corruption affair at ThyssenKrupp: The fraud allegations against the ThyssenKrupp subsidiary TKIS has obviously consequences. Chief Jens Michael Wegmann admits at least one mistake. An internal investigation is initiated.
Corruption Problem: 

Sepp Blatter és két helyettese 80 millió dollárt nyúlt le

Former FIFA President Sepp Blatter, former Secretary General Jérome Valcke and his deputy Markus Kattner made synchronised steps to increase their wealth through salary increases, bonuses and other constructions,alltogether 80 million dollars.
Corruption Problem: 

Mögliche Mauscheleien in Bayern: Ja, mit Söders Hilfe

Bavarian greens suspect wangling in exceptional approval for structural extension of castle Elmau. Söder, Bavarian State Ministry of Finance, for Regional Development and Home disclaimed the accuse that this was the reward for the G7 summit taken place at the castle in 2015.
Corruption Problem: 

Na vnovičnem sojenju samo o podkupninah

After decision of Supreme Court, the case of Robert Časar, Srečko Prijatelj and Marjan Mikuž is returned to the District Court.

Časar, Mikuž in Prijatelj ponovno na sodišču

Former CEO of Port of Koper, bussiness man Marjan Mikuž and former member of Slovenian parliament Srečko Prijatelj were again summoned before the district court, on charges of corruption, bribery and gift giving.

Kanglerja sodnica nekajkrat pozvala, naj se umiri in zniža ton

New trial against former mayor of Maribor Franc Kangler began, due to allegations of
Corruption Problem: 

“Las compras en el Corte Inglés eran regalos para clientes”

The nine directors who have testified in front of Judge Fernando Andreu in Spain, explained that the money spent was for gifts to customers, costumes to attend the boards, books or acts that they organized as counselors. The judge expressed doubts about the possibility that these charges can be considered representation expenses and all agreed they thought Caja Madrid Finance taxed for them to the tax office, but they never confirmed it.
Corruption Problem: 

Bustos se niega a declarar por los 70 relojes regalados a políticos

The socialist former mayor of Sabadell in Spain, Manuel Bustos, has been protected with his right not to testify in front of the judge investigating the case Mercurio.
Corruption Problem: 


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