
Dieselaffäre: Abgasbetrug bei Audi offenbar von langer Hand geplant

Exhaust emissions at Audi are apparently planned by long hand. Internal correspondence shows how Audi engineers deceived the authorities with manipulated engine software.
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Dieselaffäre: Abgasbetrug bei Audi offenbar von langer Hand geplant

Exhaust emissions at Audi are apparently planned by long hand. Internal correspondence shows how Audi engineers deceived the authorities with manipulated engine software.
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Abgasskandal: US-Anwaltskanzlei verklagt Audi

The exhaustion scandal could be even greater: A US law firm has filed a collective action against the VW subsidiary Audi. This time, CO2 emissions have to be taken with CO2.
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Börsenmanipulation: "Flash Crash"-Händler muss ins Gefängnis

Stock exchange manipulation: 2010 "Flash Crash" trader Navinder Sarao had crashed the US stock market. Now he has to go to prison for six and a half years.
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Prozess: Ex-Teldafax-Manager kommt mit Geldzahlung davon

Ex-Teldafax manager gets along with a cash payment: the former CEO, who later became a member of Teldafax's Supervisory Board, was charged with the risk of insolvency, commercial fraud and bankruptcy.
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Dark web hackers boast of Tesco Bank thefts

Tesco case: Cyberint said it had found messages about Tesco Bank on several dark web forums. Hackers boasted of thefts from Tesco Bank months before the company reported losing £2.5m in an attack. The possibility of compromising NFC [near field communication] transactions was explored by academia years ago, and it appears that fraudsters have finally made progress in the area," the organisation's Internet Organised Crime Threat Assessment said.
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Diesel : l’enquête sur les émissions polluantes des moteurs Renault transmise à la justice

After the Volkswagen scandal a new case of fraud in France, anti-fraud investigators have referred Renault to state prosecutors over abnormal emissions of nitrogen oxide pollutants from some of its diesel engines.
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Korruptionsaffäre bei ThyssenKrupp: Manager Wegmann räumt Fehler ein

Corruption affair at ThyssenKrupp: The fraud allegations against the ThyssenKrupp subsidiary TKIS has obviously consequences. Chief Jens Michael Wegmann admits at least one mistake. An internal investigation is initiated.
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Südkorea: Angeschlagene Präsidentin tauscht Regierungschef aus

South Korea's President Park reacts to a scandal with a reorganization within ministry. The head of government and several ministers are dismissed.
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Samsung raided in political corruption probe

South Korean prosecutors have raided the offices of Samsung Electronics as part of a probe into the political scandal around President Park Geun-hye. The prosecutors are investigating allegations that Samsung gave money to the daughter of Choi Soon-sil, a close friend of the president. Ms Choi is accused of using their friendship to interfere in politics and solicit business donations, he was arrested and charged with fraud and abuse of power.


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