
Soud za daňové úniky oddálilo stíhání znalce v kauze OKD

The court for tax evasion was delayed because of a prosecution of the expert in OKD affair Because of arrest of businessman Martin Uher and his companion Pavlína Nováčková in 2006, the police started to uncover one of the biggest cases regarding tax evasion for sold propellant. Finally after ten years of investigating, public prosecutor managed to bring five persons to justice. Unfortunately the court denied taking an expert’s opinion, regarding accountancy of interested companies, into consideration. The main author Rudolf Doucha is prosecuting because of a distorted opinion on his basis the Czech Republic should lose 5.7 billion Czech crowns, when the state sold their own stake in OKD. Doucha is suspended, so he can’t confirm his expert’s opinion. By force of these circumstances, the president of the senate decided to make a new expert’s analysis, said a press agent of the Pilsen district court. But this should be a problem because it has been lost some important accountancy documents, according to press Právo. Three businessmen, one accountant and one layer face several charges of fraud and legalization revenues from criminal activity. According to the expert analysis, already mentioned Uher and Nováčková were the main actors of the fraud and through companies Solitor, Radeost and OilMaster imported since 2014 to 2016 to Czech Republic hundreds of tank trucks with petrol and did not pay the full excise tax. Accused businessmen did not manipulate with tax return and they officially declare their duty to pay the debts. They said that they wanted to pay, but their companies do not have money, so they can’t afford it. To make this impression, they show fake transactions. In the papers, it looks like they do not have money, but in fact, they have big profits. Prosecuted traders used the opportunity of the introduction of free trade within the European Union in May 2004, when customs controls disappeared from the borders.
Corruption Problem: 

Politikė bus teisiama dėl dokumentų klastojimo nustatant negalią

A politician, ex Member of the Council of Šiauliai municipality Virginija Račienė is accused of alleged fraud and forgery which had allowed her to receive non lawful compensations. A Medic of Republican Šiauliai hospital and a medic Šiauliai central outpatient clinic who allegedly helped are also accused

„Auksinių šaukštų“ pardavėjai nesustoja: jau prakišo ir kitų auksinių prekių

Lithuanian company "Nota Bene" which had been black-listed after the scandal targeting overpriced deals with the Lithuanian Military and the Ministry of Defence, continues winning the bids in several large public tenders.

Soupçons d'escroquerie lors des campagnes du FN : une nouvelle enquête ouverte

A new investigation in France for the political party Front National: misuse of assets and complicity in fraud in a continuing campaign finance inquiry.
Corruption Problem: 

Polit-Skandal in Südkorea: Ermittler durchsuchen Samsung-Büros in Seoul

The affair surrounding South Korea's President Park Geun Hye has now also consequences for Samsung: The company has been targeted by the prosecutor's office. According to media reports, Samsung is said to have surrendered 2.8 million euros under the pretext of a consulting contract to a company Chois in Germany. Choi is accused of having an influence on the government's work. She was arrested last Thursday for suspected fraud and abuse of power.

M5s Bologna, caso firme: 4 indagati. Ex militante che denunciò: “Vertici in città sapevano, li avevamo avvertiti”

Italian prosecutors are investigating the anti-establishment party Five Star Movement, a mounting scandal concerning suspected electoral fraud using faked and cloned signatures for the regional election in 2014.
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La France lance 560 contrôles fiscaux sur la base des « Panama papers »

Fiscal investigations on 500 people in France, as a consequence of the Panama Papers scandal: the budget office of the Finance Ministry said Thursday its experts have studied the leaked information and are now digging deeper into 560 specific cases.

Medienbericht: Neue Schummelsoftware bei Audi entdeckt

Apparently Audi has been more cheated with the exhaust gas values of its cars than previously known. According to a report, the Californian environmental agency has discovered a new cheating software. Also cars in Europe are affected.
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