
Abgasaffäre: Verkehrsministerium hält VW-Software für rechtswidrig

Exhaust gas scandal: Volkswagen insists on not violating EU law in exhaust gas manipulation. The Federal Ministry of Transport (KBA) sees this differently. "The KBA has determined that VW uses illegal shutdown devices," said the spokesman of the Ministry of Transport.
Corruption Problem: 

Abgasaffäre: Empörung über VWs Unschulds-Argumentation

Tricked, yes, cheated no - this is how VW represents his behavior in the emission scandal in Europe. In the federal government, the legal argument appears to be badly.
Corruption Problem: 

Südkorea: Justiz nimmt umstrittene Präsidenten-Vertraute in Gewahrsam

An affair surrounding the daughter of a sect founder has shaken South Korea's policy. The friend of President Park should have interfered in government business. Justice takes the controversial president-confidant into custody.
Corruption Problem: 

Kariuomenės viešieji pirkimai apskųsti STT

Lithuania's Special Investigation Service received a complaint on company "Nota Bene" following the information on the overpriced purchase by the Lithuanian Armed Forces. More tenders that have been won by "Nota Bene" raised additional suspicions.

Kariuomenės viešieji pirkimai apskųsti STT

Lithuania's Special Investigation Service received a complaint on company "Nota Bene" following the information on the overpriced purchase by the Lithuanian Armed Forces. More tenders that have been won by "Nota Bene" raised additional suspicions.

Kariuomenės viešieji pirkimai apskųsti STT

Lithuania's Special Investigation Service received a complaint on company "Nota Bene" following the information on the overpriced purchase by the Lithuanian Armed Forces. More tenders that have been won by "Nota Bene" raised additional suspicions.

Kariuomenės viešieji pirkimai apskųsti STT

Lithuania's Special Investigation Service received a complaint on company "Nota Bene" following the information on the overpriced purchase by the Lithuanian Armed Forces. More tenders that have been won by "Nota Bene" raised additional suspicions.

Kariuomenė prašo „Nota Bene“ atlyginti žalą

Lithuanian Armed Forces filed a civil lawsuit against the company "Nota Bene" due to the material damage caused by the purchase of overpriced kitchen appliances and other items.

Prokurorai pradėjo naują kariuomenės brangių įsigijimų tyrimą

Lithuania's Prosecutor's Office began a pre-trial investigation the overpriced purchase of kitchen supplies from the company "Nota Bene" by the Lithuanian Military.

Kariuomenės pirkiniai: kiaurasamtis – 70 Eur, pjaustymo lentelė – 180 Eur

Lithuania's Public Procurement Office concluded that Lithuanian Military purchased military kitchen supplies and other supplies several times the market price from the Lithuanian company "Nota Bene".


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