
Sobotka u dotační kauzy ROP byl, udělali si z toho dojnou krávu, prohlásil Babiš

Sobotka was in the ROP affair of subsidies. They made a cash cow from it, said Andrej Babiš, Czech Minister of Finance. The Czech Prime minister Bohuslav Sobotka bears the responsibility for behavior of his colleagues in the ROP (regional operating program) affair Northwest. He was a deputy chairman of ČSSD political party, said Andrej Babiš, Czech Minister of Finance and the leader of ANO party. Babiš said this in the response to Sobotka’s statement, that ROP affair is closed and it is past for ČSSD. In the fact, police also investigates Babiš’s farm Stork’s nest for misuse of subsidies. I don’t think that the statement of Bohuslav Sobotka is alright. He was there, when this ROP corruption was made. He was the deputy chairman, so he bears the responsibility, means Andrej Babiš. The vice-premier for Science and Research, Pavel Bělobrádek, the leader of KDU-ČSL party, was restrained. It is an inner thing of ČSSD, how they will struggle with it. And mainly, it depends on the police and the court and their investigations, he means. The police expressed in numbers, that the damage is 13.9 billion Czech crowns.
Corruption Problem: 

Stíhaný Ježek měl blízko k motorkářům, kteří dostali exsenátora Nováka z vězení. Platil jim web

Criminally prosecuted Ježek had a close relation to motorcyclists, who got ex-senator Novák out of prison. He paid them a website. Criminally prosecuted businessman Daniel Ježek, who was caught by police during their swoop against frauds with European donations, had a close relation to motorcyclists from a citizen association Gryphons. They stood security for a city ex-major Alexandr Novák and they had to re-educate him. In the past, both ex-members of an ODS party cooperate together in few businesses. Except of their membership in the ODS party and connection with Gryphons, they are both friends with a lawyer Michael Kis. He pleads their cases now. And there is also a connection in a very strange transfer of two hotels in Chomutov. In connection with European donations, the police made on Tuesday a big swoop, which ended with accusation against 24 people of damaging interests of EU and other crime offences. The damage is about 13.9 billion Czech crowns. Between other prosecuted persons are for example regional ex-council member of Ústí nad Labem Jana Vaňhová, Jiří Červinka or mayor of Cheb Jan Navrátil.
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Kreditvermittler vor Gericht: Anklage im Unister-Betrugsfall erhoben

The fraud case around Unister founder Wagner is still not clear - but now the first accusation has been raised. In Leipzig the financial intermediary Wilfried Schwätter is in court, which has threaded the alleged credit. Schwätter is accused of assistance to fraud.
Corruption Problem: 

Prozess: Staatsanwaltschaft gegen Verurteilung von IWF-Chefin Lagarde

Prosecutor's office against conviction of International Monetary Fund (IMF) boss Christine Lagarde. The former French finance minister is on trial because of her involvement in an affair for state million payments to the businessman Bernard Tapie.
Corruption Problem: 

Dieselaffäre: VW einigt sich mit US-Privatklägern

Volkswagen is taking another important hurdle to tackle the emission scandal. The Group has agreed with US private plaintiffs on a fundamental agreement on a "substantial compensation".
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VW-Dieselaffäre: Konzern einigt sich mit US-Behörden

Volkswagen has agreed to a compromise with the American authorities in the exhaust scandal. The Group plans to repurchase a portion of the 80,000 3.0-liter diesel cars affected.
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Milliardenschwere Betrugsvorwürfe: FBI nimmt Hedgefonds-Gründer fest

A new financial scandal in the US: Hedgefonds CEO Mark Nordlicht has allegedly cheated about one billion dollars. Now the FBI has arrested the manager.
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Abgasaffäre: Volkswagen zahlt 1,5 Milliarden Euro für Vergleich in Kanada

Volkswagen pays 1.5 billion euros for comparison in Canada. Next step in the processing of the diesel fuel scandal: The VW Group pays up to 1.5 billion euros to Canadian car manufacturers. A further comparison in the US is still pending.
Corruption Problem: 

Korruptionsexperten ermitteln gegen Airbus

Corruption experts investigate against Airbus. Airbus may have also boosted the sale of aircraft by means of fraud, bribery and corruption. This suspicion is now being investigated by the British law enforcement agency for serious fraud-related fraud, SFO (Serious Fraud Office).
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Volkswagen: Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt gegen Aufsichtsratschef Pötsch

Another VW top manager has to ask himself unpleasant questions about the exhaustion scandal: the prosecutor's office is now also determined against board member Hans Dieter Pötsch because of the suspicion of market manipulation.
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