Facilitation Payment

Generalstaatsanwalt: Lula darf Stabschef von Rousseff werden

Former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva may take office as chief of staff of his successor Dilma Rousseff. However, twelve other cases are pending, so that the case can not be considered complete.

Massenproteste in Brasilien: Hunderttausende demonstrieren gegen Pr?sidentin Rousseff

Hundreds of thousands of people demonstrated in Brazil for an impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff. The protests have erupted because of a giant corruption scandal and the economic downturn in the country.

Petrobras-Skandal: Ex-Pr?sident Lula wehrt sich gegen Korruptionsvorwurf

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, former head of state of Brazil, has vehemently denied allegations against Corruption and criticized the Brazilian investigating authorities.

Panama Papers: Siemens stellt Strafanzeige gegen Unbekannt

Panama Papers: Siemens presents a complaint against unknown
Corruption Problem: 

Panama Papers: Siemens soll von eigenem Manager hintergangen worden sein

Apparently Siemens have been betrayed by their own manager in the facilitation payment scandal. That now show data from the Panama Papers.
Corruption Problem: 

Brasilien - Der tiefe Fall der Arbeiterpartei

Political crisis in Brazil and the deep fall of the Workers' Party: José Dirceu, Head of Cabinet of former Brazilian President Lula da Silva, has been sentenced to 23 years in prison for corruption and money laundering.

Brasilien: Transparenz-Minister war zu intransparent - und tritt zurück

Transparency Minister Silveira resigns over leaked recording related to corruption probe at state oil company Petrobas.

Stenograme. Povestea celei mai mari condamnări din Sănătate. De ce a primit 8 ani de închisoare unul dintre directorii de la Institutul „Marius Nasta”

The Bucharest Court of Appeal adjudicated 11 convictions in a process of bribery and fraud in procurement. It is the case of corruption at the "Marius Nasta" Pneumoftiziology Institute. Final decisions came after nearly 6 years of trials and were between 5 and 8 years of imprisonment.
Corruption Problem: 

?astnega konzula v Luksemburgu so leta 2013 preiskovali kriminalisti

Honorary consul of Slovenia in Luxemburg Franc Zlatko Dreu, who was allegedly involved in Panama papers scandal, was also being investigated in 2013 due to alleged involvement in scandal connected with the sale of Pivovarna Laško.


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