
Byloje dėl galimų aferų LKF – netikėtas posūkis: prokurorė neturėjo kito pasirinkimo

Court opens a case of ex-president of Lithuanian Basketball Federation Mindaugas Balčiūnas who is accused for misuse of power, embezzlement, fraud and false documentation in relation to financing of 2011 European Basketball Championship. Lithuanian Basketball Federation is also involved in the investigation

Untreue-Prozess - MAV-Cargo-Prozess: Vertrag mit Geuronet war "branchenüblich"

In the corruption process for the acquisition of the Hungarian rail freight operator MAV Cargo by the ÖBB subsidiary Rail Cargo Austria (RCA) the witness lobbyist Zoltan Aczel referred to the contract of the RCA with the Hungarian company Geuronet and the loan of Andras Gulya as standard. According to the contract Gülya got ten thousand Euro plus bonus. The Austrian prosecution for economic and corruption crimes is accusing former RCA board member Gustav Puschalko of embezzlement for arranging a payment of 6,6 million Euros to Gulya for nothing.
Corruption Problem: 

Mubarak en zoons krijgen alsnog celstraf voor corruptie

The Egyptian ex-president Hosni Mubarak and his two sons were sentenced to three years in jail for corruption. The case is a repeat of an earlier process that the Egyptian Supreme Court ordered to be redone. They allegedly embezzled millions of euros that were supposed to be invested in the renovation of the presidential palace.

Vorhabensbericht - Buwog: Entscheidung ?ber Grasser-Anklage r?ckt n?her

The decision if Austria's former finance minister Karl-Heinz Grasser (FPÖ/ÖVP) and other prominent suspects are being accused in connection of high payments while the privatisation of 60.000 flats (Buwog)and the terminal tower is coming closer. The senior prosector has just postponed their report on the case to the ministery of Justice. Concerning to Austrian newspapers a accusation is likely to happen.

Arpad Paszkany şi Iuliu Mureşan vor fi audiaţi de DIICOT, în dosarul de delapidare, evaziune fiscală şi spălare de bani de la Clubul CFR

Businessmen Arpad Paszkany and Iuliu Mureşan will be heard Thursday at the headquarter of DIICOT Cluj. They are suspected of embezzling no less than 8 million euros of the funds received from UEFA, for direct qualification of their football team CFR Cluj in Champions League.
Corruption Problem: 

DIICOT: Urmărire penală în cazul CFR Cluj. Mai multe persoane şi-au însuşit aproape 8,5 milioane de euro

DIICOT Cluj is conducting research in the CFR Cluj case in witch was ordered to initiate a criminal investigation for committing the crime of setting up an organized criminal group, embezzlement, tax evasion and money laundering.
Corruption Problem: 

Procurorii DIICOT au audiat vineri mai multe persoane din conducerea clubului CFR Cluj

DIICOT Cluj heard Friday as witnesses, several people in the management of the football club CFR Cluj, in the case of embezzlement the club, after Thursday were heard businessman Iuliu Muresan and Arpad Paszkany.
Corruption Problem: 

Korruptionsvorwürfe: Die Netanyahus im Dauergerede

Israel's prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected accusations of corruption and embezzlement by his lawyers. The suspicion is caused by a report of a state audit which assumes that Netanyahu used buisness bonus miles for private flies with his family.
Corruption Problem: 

Biržuose degalų vagyste įtariamas „tvarkiečių“ pirmininkas: pardavinėjo kitiems politikams

Petras Jukonis, regional Order ad Justice party in Biržai (Lithuania), held in custody under the suspicion that he allegedly intercepted gasoline pipeline in a remote area, and made profit by selling stolen gasoline. Other local polititians may have been involved.

Causa Birnbacher: Anklage gegen Dobernig rechtskr?ftig

The prosecution against the ex-politician Harald Dobernig (FPÖ)is in force. As the former chairman of the federal FPÖ he knew and supported a million salery for a six page report to the tax consultant Dietrich Birnbacher. Later it was reveiled that the money was partly used for illegal party funding of ÖVP and FPÖ.
Corruption Problem: 


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