
Bawag-Prozess: Elsners R?ckkehr in den Gerichtssaal

One of the biggest trials of Austrian history gets an additional process. After being convicted of embezzlement 80 years old ex-general of bank BAWAG Helmut Elsner needed to come back to court. BAWAG itself functions as the prosecutor in the process and called for the return of pension.
Corruption Problem: 

Gr?ndung von Briefkastenfirmen: Mossack Fonseca soll Rotes Kreuz zur Tarnung missbraucht haben

Red Cross, WWF, Unicef - Mossack Fonseca is accused to have used the names of charities to conceal letterbox companies.
Corruption Problem: 

"TopTeam"-Aff?re: BAK sieht Vorw?rfe gegen Kaiser best?tigt

According to the federal bureau of anti-corruption (BAK) Governor of Kärnten Peter Kaiser (SPÖ) is accused of embezzlement in connection with the closed SPÖ owned PR-agency. He and others put 140.000 of Kärnten's public money aside and issued fake bills.
Corruption Problem: 

Korruptionsvorw?rfe - "TopTeam"-Aff?re: Ermittler sahen Vorw?rfe als best?tigt an

According to a report of the federal office of anti-corruption (BAK) Peter Kaiser, head of austrian labour party SPÖ in Kärnten, and others accused of embezzlement in connection with a SPÖ-owned PR-agency.

Parteienfinanzierung: Drei neue Anklagen in Causa Telekom

ÖVP politician Bernd Schönegger, former Telekom board member Rudolf Fischer and Telekom manager Michael Fischer are three of the six accused in the Telekom-case. A Telekom subsidiary transferred 119.760 in 2008 to a agency which was responsible for the campaign in Graz. Investigators found a suspicious Email correspondence between Michael Fischer and Schönegger. They are accused of embezzlement.

Telekom-Aff?re: Grazer Politiker und Ex-?VP-Werberin angeklagt

ÖVP politician Bernd Schönegger and five other people are accused in the case about a payment of a Telekom subsidiary to a agency which organized the ÖVP campaign 2008 in Graz. Schönegger denies the imputation. According to the prosecutor the transferred 119.760 were used by the agency to pay ÖVP's campaign.

Telekom Austria - Grazer ?VP-Wahlkampf: N?chste Anklage rund um Causa Telekom

Vienna's prosecutor is accusing former Telekom manager Rudolf Fischer and Michael Fischer of embezzlement. Before elections in Graz 2008 a Telekom subsidiary transferred 120.000 Euro to an agency which was responsible for the ÖVP campaign. An adequate considerations for the payment is missing. Also politician Bernd Schönegger (Graz VP, local ÖVP) and a manager of the agency are impeached in the case.

Megszüntették az eljárást a pécsi egyetemi vesztegetési ügyben

The Tribunal of Győr annulled the action in the case of bribery at the University of Pécs (29 persons were accused of bribery and influencing contracts, allegedly causing 100 million HUF damage) because of the mistakes and incomplete files submitted by the prosecution office.
Corruption Problem: 

Hiába nyúlt le 70 milliárd eurót, az oroszok nem fogják letartóztatni Viktor Janukovicsot

Former Ukranian president Viktor Yanukovych is accused of stealing 70 billion EUR and asked Russia to extradite him but Russia refused to do that.

LMP: Ötmilliárd forint tűnt el egy ösztöndíjprogramból

Oppisition politician Ákos Hadházy (LMP) pressed charges against the "Road to choose a profession" program which gave scholarships to disadvantaged children. According to Hadházy there is no trace of five out of six billion HUF.


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