
El Supremo revisará la condena de Rafael Blasco el 25 de febrero

The Supreme Court of Spain will hold a public hearing to consider the appeals from the sentenced people in the case, who have asked for the revoke of the sentence, and the prosecution and the Generalitat to who have requested more severity to the penalties. The excouncilor and popular exdeputy Rafael Blasco was sentenced to eight years of prison last year in the first piece of the cause by the High Court of Justice of Valencia.

La oposición quiere acorralar hoy a Mas por la corrupción

After preventing his appearance four times, Artur Mas will assist on Monday to the commission of inquiry of the Pujol case of the Catalan Parliament. It is the first time it happens in Catalonia and the legal services of the Chamber say they do not know a precedent in another parliament in Spain.
Corruption Problem: 

Bustos se niega a declarar por los 70 relojes regalados a políticos

The socialist former mayor of Sabadell in Spain, Manuel Bustos, has been protected with his right not to testify in front of the judge investigating the case Mercurio.
Corruption Problem: 

Détournement d’argent à Mouscron : la note atteint le million d’euros

A municipal employee of Mouscron, who in 2013 was accused of embezzling € 650,000, would have also transferred money to other bank accounts.
Corruption Problem: 

Mas pide comparecer cuanto antes en la ‘comisión Pujol’

President of Catalonia requests president of that Catalan parliament permission to declare before the parliamentary commission investigating money laundering allegations against former president of Catalonia.

La acusación del ‘caso Blasco’ se opone a que Mireia Mollà testifique

Prosecutors claim that evidence of embezzlement on a corruption court case involving Valencian politicians could be invalidated
Corruption Problem: 

Oud-penningmeester Straatnieuws veroordeeld voor verduistering

Former treasurer of the Utrecht newspaper Straatniews convicted of embezzelment
Corruption Problem: 

Ny vändning i SD-bråket - Hahne polisanmäler partikamrat

Swedish Democrats Stockholm Chairman accused of embezzlement
Corruption Problem: 

William Hahne polisanmäler SD-topp

Swedish Democrats Stockholm Chairman accused of embezzlement
Corruption Problem: 


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